Acer Aspire 5024wlmi Windows 7 Drivers 4,2/5 5979votes
Acer Aspire 5024wlmi Windows 7 Drivers

Hi have a look here go to support/downloads then look for your make model and operating system then scroll down for the driver good luck if you need more help please come back to us.

This has been asked before but i'dd like to go into detail and explore another solution on the problem i have: acer aspire series 5020 (5024WLMi) with broadcom wireless adaptor 802.11g (BCM94318MPG) drivers are correct and i even updated bios today The wireless switch is broken so i was wondering is this a hardware button (like realy HARD on the motherboard) or is this just a button that has a function. I alreay checked the device but everything seems to be active windows keeps asking to turn on the wireless button(switch) but it seems to be broke. I'dd like to get the wireless card working with software. I think this should be possible because i think the button used to have a different function.

Acer Aspire 5024wlmi Windows 7 Drivers

(can someone tell me if i'm wrong or right on this?). Hey there and welcome to TSF. On my Acer wireless button is used just to bring light that wireless is on. Warhammer Torrent Pdf To Word.

I can enable or disable Wireless in Network Connections, I do not need to push button to activate wireless. I do need to push Bluetooth button to activate Bluetooth though. But for Wireless, that button jus represent wheter or not wireless is on. Actually that button is not just for that pretty little light indiator, that button also turns on/off your wireless. You can also turn on/off within the wireless settings but that button needs to be on first. Ye i just closed it up and then realized the switch may not work without the led working (stupid me) So ill open it again like TriggerFinger would do. -he'd probably do it only once (: Conclusion: 1)The solution for people who don't know much about computers would be to bring it to their computer shop and let it be repaired others can repair it themselves.

2)The button seems to be crucial for the wireless network, unless when it's not stuck on off or maby with other laptops. (Ill report on my progress with the led right now some other business first) Sometimmes I can be bit confusing sorry for this. (and english isn't my motherlanguage). Ye i just closed it up and then realized the switch may not work without the led working (stupid me) So ill open it again like TriggerFinger would do. -he'd probably do it only once (: -- Don't count on it. Conclusion: 1)The solution for people who don't know much about computers would be to bring it to their computer shop and let it be repaired others can repair it themselves.

2)The button seems to be crucial for the wireless network, unless when it's not stuck on off or maby with other laptops. (Ill report on my progress with the led right now some other business first) Sometimmes I can be bit confusing sorry for this. (and english isn't my motherlanguage) EDIT: Is the driver installed for this WiFi card? If so, can you try doing the following: Click Start, Control Panel, and then click Broadcom Wireless Utility Navigate through each tab and may be you can switch ON the radio from there.

EDIT 2: If you do not have the Broadcom Wireless Utility, may be you can try this driver.

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