Alba 4gb Mp3 Player Driver 3,7/5 632votes
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I am terribly thick when it comes to computers so forgive me if this doesn't make much sense. I've just bought a new MP3 player and when I connect it to my PC it makes the proper connection sound, the driver says it has installed correctly and it shows up in Devices. However it doesn't show up when I look in My Computer, having had a dig around the only thing that I can see wrong is that the WPD FileSystem Volume Driver has the little yellow triangle on it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing seems to work. The same computer won't recognise my iPod either, is there a fault that I can fix? Have you, erm, read the instructions? It sounds like Windows is, perhaps, taking a wild stab at what the device is (possibly assuming it's an external hard-drive or memory stick) and installing what it thinks is a suitable driver when, in fact, you need to install a different driver.
Cut Songs Download Starmusiq. Weelll I've skimmed them. I'm just going off past times I've connected MP3s or phones and they have been recognised automatically.

Every I uninstall it a reboot just see it reinstalled. I imagine I am doing something stupid but I don't know what. Weelll I've skimmed them. I'm just going off past times I've connected MP3s or phones and they have been recognised automatically. Every I uninstall it a reboot just see it reinstalled. I imagine I am doing something stupid but I don't know what. Did it come with a software CD or is there, perhaps, a website where drivers can be downloaded?
Thing is, you might not actually be doing anything 'wrong' but you might, for example, have previously had a different MP3 player attached to your PC (or some other device) and now, when you plug the new one in, your PC is thinking it's still the old one and is installing the wrong driver automatically. If there's a driver specifically intended for this MP3 player available somewhere you can go into Control Panel, click on 'update driver' and install the new one. Another thing to try is to open Windows Media Player and see if it sees it as a device in there. But the instructions suggest it should be plug and play TBH.
The yellow triangle against WPD Driver suggests it's not being recognized properly. The advice I can find suggest you should uninstall that driver in Device Manager and then reboot the computer to see if it sorts itself out, but it sounds from the OP like you've already tried that? You didn't say what operating system you had, but these bods seem to be having similar problems in Vista.