Dave Elman Hypnotherapy Pdf 3,5/5 1576votes
Hypnosis My Voice Will Go With You the Teaching Tales of Milton H Erickson Milton H Erickson - Hypnotherapy - An Exploratory Casebook Book 1 Milton H. Erickson - Hypnotic Realities Dave Elman Dave Elman Induction 2012 - English Original - Project 100 Age Regression 3 Elman-Turner-5 Step. Carousel previouscarousel next. Erickson Collected Papers Vol3. Depression Yapko. Hypnosis - Gerald Kein - Little Known Secrets of a Successful Hypnotic Session. Basix Hypnotherapy. Erickson Collected Papers Vol1. Dave Elman Induction 2012 - English Original - Project 100. Age Regression 3 Elman-Turner-5 Step.
• • • The development of concepts, beliefs and practices related to and have been documented since prehistoric to modern times. Although often viewed as one continuous history, the term only gained widespread use in the 1880s, initially amongst those influenced by the developments in France, some twenty years after the death of – who had adopted the term hypnotism in 1841. Braid adopted the term hypnotism (which specifically applied to the state of the subject, rather than techniques applied by the operator) to contrast his own, unique, subject-centred, approach with those of the operator-centred who preceded him. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Early history [ ] According to Patricia Fanthorpe, hypnosis 'dates back for millennia.'
Temple sleep [ ] According to, hypnotism as a tool for health seems to have originated with the of, who often took their sick to the temples to be cured by hypnotic suggestion or 'temple sleep,' a practice of staying at night at a temple for meditational self-observance and communication with the gods, called Nidra in India. Avicenna [ ] (Ibn Sina) (980–1037), a and, was the earliest to make a distinction between sleep and hypnosis.
In, which he published in 1027, he referred to hypnosis in as al-Wahm al-Amil, stating that one could create conditions in another person so that he/she accepts the reality of hypnosis. Magnetism & Mesmerism [ ] Hypnotism evolved out of a sometimes skeptical reaction to the much earlier work of and. Paracelsus [ ]. (1493–1541), a, was the first physician to use in his work. Many people claimed to have been healed after he had passed magnets () over their bodies. Valentine Greatrakes [ ] An Irishman by the name of (1628–1682) was known as 'the Great Irish Stroker' for his ability to heal people by laying his hands on them and passing magnets over their bodies.

Johann Joseph Gassner [ ] (1727–1779), a Catholic priest of the time, believed that disease was caused by evil spirits and could be exorcised by incantations and prayer. Father Maximilian Hell [ ] Around 1771, a Viennese Jesuit named (1720–1792) was using magnets to heal by applying steel plates to the naked body. One of Father Hell's students was a young medical doctor from Vienna named Franz Anton Mesmer. Franz Anton Mesmer [ ]. Many of the original mesmerists were signatories to the first declarations that proclaimed the French revolution in 1789.
Far from surprising, this could perhaps be expected, in that mesmerism opened up the prospect that the social order was in some sense and could be overturned. Magnetism was neglected or forgotten during the Revolution and the Empire. An Indo- priest,, revived public attention to animal magnetism. In the early 19th century, introduced to Paris.
Faria came from and gave exhibitions in 1814 and 1815 without manipulations or the use of Mesmer's. Unlike Mesmer, claimed that hypnosis 'generated from within the mind’ by the power of expectancy and cooperation of the patient. Faria's approach was significantly extended by the clinical and theoretical work of and of the. Faria's theoretical position, and the subsequent experiences of those in the Nancy School, made significant contributions to the later techniques of and the techniques of. I shall conclude this [lecture] by a very simple mode of illustration, as respects the different points of view in which the mesmerists, the electro-biologists, and myself, stand toward each other in theory, by referring to the two theories of light contended for at the present time. Some believe in a positive emission from the sun of a subtile material, or imponderable influence, as the cause of light; whilst others deny this emission theory, and contend that light is produced by simple vibration excitedby the sun, without any positive emission from that luminary. I may, therefore, be said to have adopted the vibratory theory, whilst the mesmerists and electro-biologists contend for the emission theory.
But my experiments have proved that the ordinary phenomena of mesmer- ism may be realised through the subjective or personal mental and physical acts of the patient alone; whereas the proximity, acts, or in- fluence of a second party, would be indispensably requisite for their production, if the theory of the mesmerists were true. Moreover, my experiments have proved that audible, visible, or tangible suggestions of another person, whom the subject believes to possess such power over him, is requisite for the production of the waking phenomena; whereas no audible, visible, or tangible suggestion from a second party ought to be required to produce these phenomena, if the theory of the electro-biologists were true. There is, therefore, both positive and negative proof in favour of my mental and suggestive theory, and in opposition to the magnetic, occult, or electric theories of the mesmerists and electro-biologists. My theory, moreover, has this additional recommendation, that it is level to our comprehension, and adequate to account for all which is demonstrably true, without offering any violence to reason and common sense, or being at variance with generally admitted physiological and psychological principles. Under these circum- stances, therefore, I trust that you will consider me entitled to your verdict in favour of my MENTAL THEORY.
The Scottish surgeon coined the term ' in his unpublished Practical Essay on the Curative Agency of Neuro-Hypnotism (1842) as an abbreviation for 'neuro-hypnotism,' meaning 'sleep of the nerves.' Braid fiercely opposed the views of the Mesmerists, especially the claim that their effects were due to an invisible force called 'animal magnetism,' and the claim that their subjects developed paranormal powers such as telepathy. Instead, Braid adopted a skeptical position, influenced by the philosophical school of, attempting to explain the Mesmeric phenomena on the basis of well-established laws of psychology and physiology. Hence, Braid is regarded by many as the first true 'hypnotist' as opposed to the Mesmerists and other magnetists who preceded him. Braid ascribed the 'mesmeric trance' to a process resulting from prolonged attention to a bright moving object or similar object of fixation. He postulated that 'protracted ocular fixation' fatigued certain parts of the brain and caused a trance—a 'nervous sleep' or 'neuro-hypnosis.'
Later Braid simplified the name to 'hypnotism' (from the ὕπνος hypnos, '). Finally, realizing that 'hypnotism' was not a kind of sleep, he sought to change the name to ' monoideism' ('single-thought-ism'), based on a view centred on the notion of a single, dominant idea; but the term 'hypnotism' and its later, misleading (circa 1885) Nancy-centred derivative 'hypnosis,' have persisted. Braid is credited with writing the first ever book on hypnotism, Neurypnology (1843).
After Braid's death in 1860, interest in hypnotism temporarily waned, and gradually shifted from Britain to France, where research began to grow, reaching its peak around the 1880s with the work of and. Braid on Yoga [ ] According to his writings, Braid began to hear reports concerning the practices of various meditation techniques immediately after the publication of his major book on hypnotism, Neurypnology (1843). Braid first discusses hypnotism's historical precursors in a series of articles entitled Magic, Mesmerism, Hypnotism, etc., Historically & Physiologically Considered. He draws analogies between his own practice of hypnotism and various forms of Hindu meditation and other ancient spiritual practices. Braid’s interest in meditation really developed when he was introduced to the, the “School of Religions”, an ancient Persian text describing a wide variety of Oriental religious practices: Last May [1843], a gentleman residing in Edinburgh, personally unknown to me, who had long resided in India, favoured me with a letter expressing his approbation of the views which I had published on the nature and causes of hypnotic and mesmeric phenomena. In corroboration of my views, he referred to what he had previously witnessed in oriental regions, and recommended me to look into the “Dabistan,” a book lately published, for additional proof to the same effect.
On much recommendation I immediately sent for a copy of the “Dabistan”, in which I found many statements corroborative of the fact, that the eastern saints are all self-hypnotisers, adopting means essentially the same as those which I had recommended for similar purposes. Although he disputed the religious interpretation given to these phenomena throughout this article and elsewhere in his writings, Braid seized upon these accounts of Oriental meditation as proof that the effects of hypnotism could be produced in solitude, without the presence of a magnetiser, and therefore saw this as evidence that the real precursor of hypnotism was the ancient practices of meditation rather than in the more recent theory and practice of Mesmerism. (1867–1923), a Ukraine-born American psychologist and psychiatrist who studied under at, formulated this law of: Suggestibility varies as the amount of disaggregation, and inversely as the unification of consciousness. Disaggregation refers to the split between the normal waking consciousness and the subconscious. Johannes Schultz [ ] The German psychiatrist adapted the theories of and and identifying certain parallels to techniques in and. He called his system of self-hypnosis. Gustave Le Bon [ ] 's study of compared the effects of a of a group to hypnosis.
Le Bon made use of the concept. Sigmund Freud [ ] Hypnosis, which at the end of the 19th century had become a popular phenomenon, in particular due to Charcot's public hypnotism sessions, was crucial in the invention of by, a student of Charcot. Freud later witnessed a small number of the experiments of and in Nancy.
Back in Vienna he developed using hypnosis with. When Sigmund Freud discounted its use in psychiatry, in the first half of the last century, stage hypnotists kept it alive more than physicians. Platanov and Pavlov [ ] Russian medicine has had extensive experience with obstetric hypnosis.
Platanov, in the 1920s, became well known for his hypno-obstetric successes. Impressed by this approach, Stalin later set up a nationwide program headed by Velvoski, who originally combined hypnosis with 's techniques, but eventually used the latter almost exclusively., having visited Russia, brought back to France 'childbirth without pain through the psychological method,' which in turn showed more than hypnotic inspiration.
20th century wars [ ] The use of hypnosis in the treatment of neuroses flourished in World War I, World War II and the. Hypnosis techniques were merged with psychiatry and was especially useful in the treatment of what is known today as. [ ] William McDougall [ ] (1871–1944), an English psychologist, treated soldiers with 'shell shock' and criticised certain aspects of Freudian theory such as the concept of. Hull [ ] The modern study of hypnotism is usually considered to have begun in the 1920s with (1884–1952). An experimental psychologist, his work Hypnosis and Suggestibility (1933) was a rigorous study of the phenomenon, using statistical and experimental analysis. Hull's studies emphatically demonstrated once and for all that hypnosis had no connection with sleep ('hypnosis is not sleep, it has no special relationship to sleep, and the whole concept of sleep when applied to hypnosis obscures the situation').
The main result of Hull's study was to rein in the extravagant claims of hypnotists, especially regarding extraordinary improvements in cognition or the senses under hypnosis. Hull's experiments showed the reality of some classical phenomena such as mentally induced pain reduction and apparent inhibition of memory recall. However, Clark's work made clear that these effects could be achieved without hypnosis being seen as a distinct state, but rather as a result of suggestion and motivation, which was a forerunner of the behavioural approach to hypnosis. Similarly, moderate increases in certain physical capacities and changes to the threshold of sensory stimulation could be induced psychologically; attenuation effects could be especially dramatic.
Andrew Salter [ ] In the 1940s, (1914–1996) introduced to American therapy the method of contradicting, opposing, and attacking beliefs. In the conditioned reflex, he has found what he saw as the essence of hypnosis. He thus gave a rebirth to hypnotism by combining it with. Had himself induced an altered state in pigeons, that he referred to as 'Cortical Inhibition,' which some later theorists believe was some form of hypnotic state. Bob Neill [ ] Bob Neill (1929-2006) was one of the earliest hypnotherapists in the UK. His interest in hypnosis began in 1943 when Bob, then aged 14, witnessed a stage hypnotist's act as part of a variety show at the Empire Theatre, Chatham, Kent, UK. The following day, he successfully hypnotised one of his classmates but it wasn't until 1950, during his National Service in the Royal Engineers, that he developed his skill and used hypnotherapy to help others to stop smoking.
In the early 1970s, he established his hypnotherapy practice in Maidstone, Kent, UK. Using his own technique, he always expected a successful outcome after one session. In the 1990s, Bob Neill published two books on Practical Hypnotherapy. He continued to practise hypnotherapy, professionally, until his death in 2006. His daughter, Barbara, also a hypnotherapist, is continuing his work using the technique he developed. British Hypnotism Act [ ] In the United Kingdom, the was instituted to regulate stage hypnotists' public entertainments. British Medical Association, 1955 [ ] On 23 April 1955, the British Medical Association (BMA) approved the use of hypnosis in the areas of psychoneuroses and hypnoanesthesia in pain management in childbirth and surgery.
At this time, the BMA also advised all physicians and medical students to receive fundamental training in hypnosis. [ ] 1956, Pope's approval of hypnosis [ ] The Roman Catholic Church banned hypnotism until the mid-20th century when, in 1956, gave his approval of hypnosis. He stated that the use of hypnosis by health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment is permitted. In an address from the Vatican on hypnosis in childbirth, the Pope gave these guidelines: • Hypnotism is a serious matter, and not something to dabble in. • In its scientific use, the precautions dictated by both science and morality must be followed.
• Under the aspect of anaesthesia, it is governed by the same principles as other forms of anaesthesia. American Medical Association, 1958 [ ] In 1958, the American Medical Association approved a report on the medical uses of hypnosis. It encouraged research on hypnosis although pointing out that some aspects of hypnosis are unknown and controversial. However, in June 1987, the AMA's policy-making body rescinded all AMA policies from 1881–1958 (other than two not relating to hypnosis).
[ ] American Psychological Association [ ] Two years after AMA approval, the American Psychological Association endorsed hypnosis as a branch of psychology. [ ] Ernest Hilgard and others [ ] Studies continued after the Second World War. Barber, Hilgard, Orne and Sarbin also produced substantial studies. In 1961, and created the, a standardized scale for susceptibility to hypnosis, and properly examined susceptibility across age-groups and sex. Hilgard went on to study sensory deception (1965) and induced anesthesia and (1975).
Harry Arons [ ].
• • • Dave Elman was born David Kopelman to parents Jacob and Lena on May 6, 1900, in. In 1902, the family moved to Fargo, where they started a business on Front Street making wigs, switches, and related performance equipment. In 1906, they moved their wig-making business to the Kopelman Building, which they had built at 514 1st Street. In the basement, they provided mikvah services so Jewish women in the community could purify themselves through special cleansing. Lena also began a hairdressing shop next door. Soon thereafter, Jacob was diagnosed with cancer. When a family friend relieved the intractable pain quite rapidly with hypnosis, Elman set about learning these techniques from him and began to realize the vast possibilities of hypnosis in the relief of pain outside of traditional medical procedures.
Jacob died in November 1908, leaving his pregnant wife with six children. In his early teens, Elman worked odd jobs to help the family. He was a talented musician on the saxophone and violin, and used his quick wit and love of entertaining to perform within the community as a comic. Career and later life [ ] Elman's performing eventually led to the circuit, and he moved to New York in 1922. His stage name in vaudeville was Elman, shortened from Kopelman when his billing as 'The World's Youngest and Fastest Hypnotist' did not fit on marquees or promotional material. After being unsatisfied working the nightclubs, he later got a job working for music publishers.
It was at this time that Dave became acquainted with the famous blues composer and musician, with whom he worked for some years. The most well-known songs the duo wrote during this period were 'Atlanta Blues', which was later recorded by dozens of other artists including, and 'Oh Papa!' , which was later recorded. It was while working with Handy that he met his future wife, Pauline Reffe.
During the years 1923-1928, Elman was anxious to break into radio. In 1928, he got his first job with, a large radio station in New York City. Soon after, he was hired by (CBS), New York, where he became known as an idea man. He wrote, produced, directed, and performed in his own shows as well as others. He wrote a number of shows. In 1937, he approached with an idea for a new show: 'Ordinary people would become advocates about their unusual hobbies', which were to be judged by an invited celebrity.
Software Configuration Management Handbook Alexis Leon Pdf Writer on this page. NBC approved, and, on October 6, 1937, Elman debuted Hobby Lobby. The show became popular, and thousands of letters came in each week from people who wanted to talk about their hobbies. [ ] Many celebrities also sought to be on Elman’s show. When Elman went on vacation on August 2, 1939, First Lady accepted the invitation to be his replacement as host.
Later, when he was hospitalized for a gallbladder operation, Roosevelt was once more the interim host. She also collaborated with Dave Elman on a movie advocating the use of hobbies as activities for soldiers, which she described in her 'My Diary' newspaper column. Hobby Lobby was on the air until 1948. In 1949, Elman decided to pursue teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. From 1949 through 1962, he traveled extensively throughout America teaching his training course in hypnosis as a series of lessons called 'Medical Relaxation', which he published as audio recordings. He also recorded a series of recordings entitled 'Hypno-Analysis' which were actual sessions in hypnosis that he referenced for his course.
In 1963, after a long illness, he decided to write his findings on the subject. It was a 336-page book which he dictated to his wife, Pauline, a stenographer, and then gave to his son Robert Elman, an author and editor, to edit.
He then had the book printed copyrighted and self-published in 1964 under the title Findings in Hypnosis. In 1970, Nash Publishing published it and re-titled it Explorations in Hypnosis, and later it was published by Westwood Publishing under the name Hypnotherapy. Perhaps the most well known aspect of Elman's legacy is his method of rapid induction, which was adapted for the use by medical professionals. Elman died suddenly on 5 December 1967, having recovered from a heart attack five years earlier. See also [ ] • Books [ ] • 1964 Findings in Hypnosis. Clifton, New Jersey • 1970 Explorations in Hypnosis.
• 1970 Hypnotherapy, Westwood Pub. References [ ].