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May 28, 2016. Study material for Geography (Prelims + Mains). Hello Aspirants, Geography is an important subject for both Pre + Mains (GS and Optional) and below is study material for your reference. Divya Mittal Geography Notes IAS Topper The dictionary of human geography by – Derek gregory Environment and. Question: Consider the following statements about the famous statue of Lord Bahubali at Sravana Belagola in Karnataka. It is the world's tallest monolithic free standing structure. It is made of steatite. Select the correct answer from the codes given below. 1 only 2 only. Both 1 and 2. Neither 1 nor 2.

Hii.2 all Future IAS Officers This is Sagy here. Am here 2 bring some new initiatives regarding prep nowadays Whatsapp has become a source 2 discus,debate,solution etc etc.on GS,CA,issues,burning topics But rplyn frequently to every msg & constantly typn in d tiny device smtyms bcm a hectic & problematic or else a vexing type worksm people leav d grp too. So,buddies I just want 2 knw if u all guyz want 2 discs seriously or give solutions 2 each othr hw 2 approach 2wrds our GOAL so I js want 2 say dat y don’t we all unite smwer @ 1 place from throughout the country & discus whatever we want. Creating whats app id adding so many people is just lyk messing up of or else like making hoch-poch. So,my initiative is that I ve created a mail id in which we al can gather togthr over there & discs our issues So,if u all guys r interested den plz lemme knw so dat we all cn proceed ahead Thanking You, Sagy •.
Thanks Insight, its really giving me an over all insight about the complexity of IAS Exam and pattern to adopt. Reform ourself as per UPSC expectations, you guys are really doing good job, you guys are working pretty harder than any one else who is preparing for IAS exam, I have not seen such selfish-less service, you are really doing greate social service making us to get clear idea and way of prearation. I do not have words to gratitudes to you guys, I would say only one thing, If there is heaven its INSIGHT. Thank you sir “From next test it will be posted on time. Thank you.” [image: Disqus] Settings A new comment was posted on INSIGHTS —————————— *INSIGHTS* From next test it will be posted on time. 8:21 a.m., Thursday Jan.
21 Other comments by INSIGHTS * Reply to INSIGHTS * INSIGHTS’s comment is in reply to *utkarsh*: sir I am strictly following your main’s test series. But the delay in putting up of questions actually breaks the continuity and also affects Read more —————————— You’re receiving this message because you’re signed up to receive notifications about replies to disqus_YVyWmr8ypG. You can unsubscribe from emails about replies to disqus_YVyWmr8ypG by replying to this email with “unsubscribe” or reduce the rate with which these emails are sent by adjusting your notification settings. [image: Disqus] •. Hello insights, the best part in whole prepn. Mode comes when I write few words here.
Got a pause for a while now. But then, your efforts always give some extra boost to work beyond the office hours some where in closed doors of my room. Got little doubts.
I wanted to know, the way your compilation (reference to current affairs and synopsis) is written, if I structure my answer in a similar way in the mains, will it be a good deal. Concerto Moon Gate Triumph Rar Download Free. ? Or shall I need to ponder a while the sole demand of question and to figure why this question has been asked in mains. Please help insights. For example, suppose a question comes on niti aayog like (copying and pasting an extract of yours) Raising voice over net neutrality On December 24, India‘s biggest telecom operator Bharti Airtel Ltd announced that it would charge customers for calls made using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and then did a volte face five days later by withdrawing the proposal. The stated reason for the U-turn was that the telecom regulator was working on a consultation paper on the subject. The unstated part was that Airtel‘s proposal had customers and advocates of net neutrality up in arms.
Proponents of the principle of net neutrality hold that all traffic on the Internet should be treated equally or in other words, service providers such as Airtel should allow access to all content without favouring any particular product or website. What the TRAI says? The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chief has said even though Airtel‘s move is against net neutrality it is not illegal as there is no legal framework. The net neutrality debate becomes even more relevant in case of India where the penetration of smart phones is increasing and efforts are on to bring more people to the Internet, through the digital India campaign. Telecom/service provider‘s argument: The telecom/ISPs argue that they have made huge investments in broadband capacity, and, therefore, they should be allowed to charge for the services, which generate lot of traffic. Preventing the service providers from charging for over-the-top services (OTT) services would mean that they would reduce their investments in building networks. Net neutrality: *Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.
* Neutrality proponents claim that telecom companies seek to impose a tiered service model in order to control the pipeline and thereby remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and oblige subscribers to buy their otherwise uncompetitive services. Many believe net neutrality to be primarily important as a preservation of current freedoms. * There are no laws enforcing net neutrality in India. Although TRAI guidelines for the Unified Access Service license promote net neutrality, it does not enforce it. Sir, my name is pratiek and i am an recent subscriber of this website’s(2016 prelims test series), i am posting this message to seek clarification regarding the Insights mains self study test 2016. My doubt is,after writting and posting the answers to the questions in this website, will they be verified by an expert in that particular subject and given feedback and suggestions to improve my answers, because this is my first attempt at this examination and i need guidance to clear this exam.
So Friends, i request u all to respond to this and clarify my doubt.
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