Drivers License Test Questions Bahamas Paradise 4,4/5 1211votes

Oct 24, 2007. 'Traffic lights and speed signs are ignored; drivers barge in from side roads onto main thoroughfares with indifference; and litter is discharged from vehicles with. These issues, and others, were addressed last year in a Congestion Reduction Study undertaken by a Barcelona-based firm called Advanced.
The whole thing began over a puddle in a driveway. The two men are next-door neighbors in Lyford Cay, a gated community on New Providence, an island in the Bahamas, and for years it had been a peaceful adjacency. Because both of them happen to be billionaires, it is a picturesque driveway, lined by casuarina trees and triple Alexander palms, 200 feet north of a stunning body of water known as Clifton Bay and 100 feet south of an even more stunning vista upon the Atlantic Ocean. It is less a driveway than a road—but also a portion of road that is shared by both neighbors and nobody else, owing to how it cuts right through one man’s property and ends at the other man’s, which occupies the westernmost tip of the island. And we’re talking about a land of eight-figure beachfront properties, where the houses are very close to each other—where one man’s dining room is only about 200 feet from the other’s revolving acrylic discotheque floor and the glass walls that enclose it with a steady cascade of water. An “easement” is what the driveway’s creator, the developer E. Taylor, a Canadian brewing tycoon, termed this shared passage when he established Lyford Cay in 1955.
(The road itself he saw fit to name E. Taylor Drive.) But just as one man’s driveway is another man’s easement, one neighbor’s cocktail party is another’s sleepless night due to the fact that there are 2,000 Bahamians—plus a lot of young women from islands throughout the Atlantic, not to mention Europe—whooping it up at the topless bacchanal next door. And one man’s overflow of parked cars along the driveway on that sleepless neighbor’s side of the property line is another man’s reason to have the section of the driveway that cuts through his property re-graded and rebuilt, adding a dip and tall flagstone walls on either side, leaving no shoulder space for anybody to ever conceivably think of parking there, while also screening the driveway from view.
The dip created a drainage problem when it rained: the puddling. “It was smelly. And it had mosquitoes. And in order to come to our place you had to go and wear rubber boots to come and knock on our door,” says Peter Nygard, a Canadian manufacturer of women’s wear and the neighbor at the end of the road who threw the parties. In a court filing, he referred to it as “a toilet drain.” “Nygard likes the idea that people think they’re going to a separate island when they go to his place,” says Louis Bacon, a titan of New York finance and the neighbor who constructed the strategic no-parking zone. “Now it kind of looks like what the English call a ha-ha: the road drops and it feels more private. It’s a better entrance for his guests and better for me too.” But that was then, and this is now.
And somehow, what began in 2007 with a bit of irritation over runoff has escalated to a battle royal encompassing no fewer than 16 legal actions between Nygard and Bacon and their associates, in which both sides are claiming damages in the tens of millions of dollars and lobbing allegations of activities that include vandalism, bribery, insider trading, arson, murder, destruction of the fragile seabed, and having a close association with the Ku Klux Klan. It has reached a point where neither man, though each used to consider Lyford Cay his rightful home, spends much time there anymore. Nygard, unable to obtain government permits to rebuild his six-acre, Mayan-inspired compound after an electrical fire in 2009 demolished most of the structures—including the 32,000-square-foot “grand hall,” with its 100,000-pound glass ceiling—has been left to live out of his study when he does visit, and has stopped throwing parties altogether. He blames the man next door for all of it, citing a string of environmental-degradation suits that Bacon has filed against him in court.
© Wenn Ltd./Alamy Bacon hasn’t set foot in the Bahamas in more than a year, claiming it would put his personal safety at risk. In January 2015, he leveled a $100 million defamation complaint against Nygard in New York, where both men’s businesses are headquartered. Nygard, the suit alleges, has been the “ringleader” behind a vast multi-media smear campaign—TV and radio ads purchased, Web sites created, videos doctored, T-shirts printed, and even “hate rallies” staged with parades through Nassau—all in the name of labeling Bacon a racist, a thief, and a “terrorist,” and bearing messages such as BACON GO HOME. Nygard filed a counterclaim and tells anybody who will listen that Bacon is trying to destroy him out of a simple desire to take over his property, claiming that some years ago—Nygard can’t recall when—a real-estate agent came to his house on Bacon’s behalf and offered $100 million for the place. When he turned him down, the agent replied that Bacon would get the property “one way or another,” Nygard claims, adding that he doesn’t know the man’s name and can’t remember where he worked, “because it was such a joke to me.” Even so, he says, he took it as a threat. (Bacon has said he made no such offer and was never interested in acquiring Nygard’s land.) Nygard vows he will never sell and says that he has never met anybody “that smart, that competitive, in my life.
He reminds me of Hitler.” “Peter Pinocchio,” Bacon calls Nygard in an open letter he published in the Bahamas Tribune, noting his habit of “playing footsie with the truth. Driver Slim Portable Dvd Writer Samsung. ” And so on. In This Corner At 74, with his long white hair and vigorously spread family tree (he has had eight children with five women), Nygard is something like the Hugh Hefner of down-market retail. Aesthetically—shirt unbuttoned to the navel, tight black jeans, and some sort of glitter he applies to his suntanned arms after showering—he brings to mind a mash-up of Sam Walton and Gunther Gebel-Williams, the circus-animal trainer. Some things you should know about Nygard: His personal history involves emigrating from Finland to Manitoba with his family when he was eight and living out of a converted coalbin. At 24 he purchased a share in a clothing-manufacturing company with an $8,000 loan, and before long renamed it Nygard.
Today, it has about a dozen lines of inexpensive apparel, aimed mostly at middle-aged shoppers and available in more than 200 Nygard stores and other retail chains in North America, and does $500 million in annual sales. He dated Anna Nicole Smith for several years. He is famous in the Bahamas. He flies there in a private jet that bears the words PETER NYGARD N FORCE and once reportedly had a stripper’s pole inside. He sued a former associate for claiming that Nygard had “deliberately hired celebrity lookalikes” to attend his Oscar party, according to the lawsuit.
The case was eventually settled. He is obsessed with longevity. He was giving himself testosterone shots every other day and made arrangements with a lab to receive regular injections of his own stem cells. He talks about the virtues of exercise and healthy eating, and he takes about 50 pills a day—“vitamins, supplements, pharmaceuticals,” he says.
“What is it that I’m working on? Getting younger.” More than anything, Nygard is proud of his concrete sanctuary, which in 1992 he persuaded the Bahamian government to rename Nygard Cay to coincide with a Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous segment. For the preceding 400 years it had been known as Simms Point. Nygard designed and constructed the compound himself over more than two decades. (“To give Nygard credit, he’s industrious,” Bacon concedes.
“I used to see him out there in his front loader.”) Even with the main house at Nygard Cay mostly in ruins six years after the fire—the grand staircase that ran through it is now more of an open-air gangway—there’s still plenty to marvel at: carved dragons, 60-foot ziggurats with hundreds of torches lit individually every night by his staff, giant statues of nude women modeled on his former girlfriends, and what he claims is the world’s largest sauna, a 6,000-square-foot A-frame lodge constructed of Canadian-pine logs that are 2 feet thick and 28 feet long. “We went and got a special barge, huge undertaking,” he says of importing them, adding that it was the first building he erected. “Every Finn starts with the saunas.”.
By Amanda Gordon/Bloomberg/Getty Images. As for his place in Lyford, Point House, you might never guess that the owner is this rich. Even though there’s a custom-made board game called “Baconopoly” sitting on a credenza, with squares named for all of Bacon’s properties (Rutland Gate, Coral House), their identities turn out to have been affixed via printed stickers, a utilitarian gift. “In this world, you don’t disclose a lot,” says Ian Levy, who, with his wife, Charlotte, manages the household staff of seven (more when the Bacons are there). “As a former yacht captain, if I am sailing and my owner decides to cross with another boat, the other captain and I won’t even refer to our boats’ owners by name. It’s simply ‘your owner’ and ‘my owner.’ ” Even so, he does acknowledge that “a sitting queen and a former king” have been guests of the Bacons’. (The queen was Noor of Jordan.) Even the Levys’ uniforms are low-key: matching polo shirts with the Point House logo, a simple child’s drawing of a cottage.
The Levys have witnessed the feud up close and speak about their neighbor with contempt. But Bacon, they insist, has never lost his cool. “His response isn’t emotional,” Ian Levy says. “This is not a man you just phone up to tell him that a leaf’s fallen off a tree. I would tell him what happened, and he said, ‘Take photographs and refer it to the legal department.’ He responds to Peter Nygard as a problem that needs to be taken care of.” Until he filed his defamation suit, this year, Bacon fought Nygard mostly under the auspices of an environmental campaign, joined by many Lyford residents, that sought to rectify changes to the coastline they claim Nygard is responsible for. In 2014, 103 locals put their names on a complaint against the Bahamian government, demanding that certain procedures be followed in order for Nygard to get legal clearance to rebuild.
Some people in Lyford refer to Bacon’s “heroism” for taking on “the neighborhood bully.” “I’m probably the one who’s been affected the most,” Bacon says, “and I have the means to do something about it.” An Island Refuge Lyford Cay was designed as a gated “winter community,” the brainchild of the aforementioned E. Taylor and Sir Harold Christie, a scion of the Bahamian family that owned the original 3,000-acre plot at the western tip of New Providence. The houses have names that are playfully colonial: Tra La La, Safari, Tea Time, Out of Bounds. In 1962, when President Kennedy flew to Nassau for a series of private “world-ranging talks” with the British prime minister Harold Macmillan, he stayed at Taylor’s house and the P.M.
Stayed next door. Early residents included Henry Ford II, Aga Khan IV, Prince Rainier III of Monaco, Huntington Hartford II, Babe Paley, “and certainly the most beautiful women and some of the most powerful men in the world,” Town & Country reported in 1975, marveling at how the private telephone directory for 120 villas listed “Heinz and Menzies, Goulandris and Niarchos, McMahon and Mellon.” The piece was accompanied by a lavish Slim Aarons photo spread. Today’s roster is sleepy by comparison: aside from Sean Connery (who, nearly a half-dozen James Bonds ago, shot Thunderball and several other films here), there are scores of semi-anonymous businessmen or their progeny. Bacon and Nygard’s neighbors prefer to keep a low profile: Count and Countess de Ravenel, of France; the Brazilian re-insurance magnate Antonio Braga; Jane Lewis, wife of the English investor Joe Lewis.
“It’s quiet money,” says David Laughlin, a New York financier (second-generation Lyford) and chairman of the Lyford Cay Club. Long before the puddle, Nygard clashed stylistically with much of the Lyford Cay establishment. He threw a lot of parties and was always doing construction. He bought his house, a modest beach bungalow, in 1984 for $1.76 million.
It is now a security booth and staff office for his estate. “In the early days, my dad would sit at the little kitchen counter in the window and do his designs on napkins,” says his eldest daughter, Bianca, who works for the Nygard corporation. “He always said he would never be done.” Nygard initially joined the Lyford Cay Property Owners Association (L.C.P.O.A.), even though his lot’s location at the tip of the peninsula meant that it was not deeded within the L.C.P.O.A. After a few years he stopped paying dues. “When you join or go into somebody else’s house or the land, you need to obey their own rules; you need to conform to whatever their standards are,” Nygard says. “I have my own life, you know?
I never moved here to Nygard Cay because of Lyford Cay. I moved to Nygard Cay because it’s the most beautiful property in the world, and it happened to be that to get to it I had to go through Lyford Cay.” The Lyford Cay Club—a golf-and-tennis facility with a majestically frayed pink clubhouse—is the social hub of the community, and according to members, Nygard was discouraged from applying by people who broached the matter on his behalf with the membership committee. “There is a formal process to get into Lyford,” says Chris Brady, a lifelong member. (Brady’s father, Nicholas Brady, was secretary of the Treasury under President George H. Bush.) “And it helps if you buy an expensive piece of land and you keep your bad behavior on the down low.
But Nygard got off to a bad start.” Nygard says he never tried to join the club, and also denies being a bully, adding, “Most of my relationships with the Lyford Cay community were pristine until Louis Bacon came and destroyed many of them. Many from Lyford Cay would celebrate their weddings, anniversaries, and other special events at Nygard Cay, or bring their V.I.P.
Guests over, including royalty from around the world.” Yet, Laughlin says, “When somebody comes in who’s of a different character and doesn’t make much of an effort to assimilate, some communities are better able to deal with that than others. At Lyford, there isn’t a mechanism to deal with that kind of ostentatiousness. A lot of us in the old line viewed him as a curiosity. It’s not in keeping with what we do here, but people went out there to look at it. I’m one of them.” So was the first President Bush, who struck up a friendship with Nygard after Nicholas Brady took him to Nygard Cay once to marvel at the place.
For better or worse, says Bill Hunter, a former Lyford Cay Club chairman, “when you look toward Nygard’s place at night from across the bay, it’s like a cruise ship, all the lights and torches blazing. And around it, the adjacent properties are dark.” “From time to time I see the procession of people coming to his parties—motorcades full of these attractive girls,” says Jean-Charles de Ravenel.
“They’re not parties the typical Lyford Cay family is having with their grandchildren. Listen, Lyford Cay is not St. Tropez.” Nygard’s supporters say his parties do stand out, because they’re full of people who wouldn’t otherwise be in Lyford Cay. “He has poor kids and athletes out to his house every day,” says his best friend, Carlos Mackey, who is the host of a sports program on local TV. “He’s a philosopher, a visionary, a genius. But his heart’s as big as Shamu the whale.” Nygard is well known throughout the Bahamas for his financial support of the country’s Olympic running squads, among many other charities. Wendall Jones, the publisher of The Bahama Journal, says, “The residents of Lyford Cay say they don’t appreciate his flamboyance when what they don’t like is the fact that he invites so many black people over.
Peter Nygard is a force for good.” Bacon arrived next door at Point House in 1994. He paid $5.9 million, then over the next 15 years purchased two adjoining pieces of land for an additional $20 million. “They did of course warn me about my neighbor, but that’s probably why the price was right,” Bacon says. “He was a bit of a headache, but it was largely cordial at first.” Nygard says he and Bacon—an odd couple if ever there was one—invited each other for drinks at their homes.
They managed an agreement (via their groundskeepers) on choices of island ficus and bougainvillea to plant along the easement. “I helped to save his life,” Nygard says of the time Bacon and his property manager got marooned during a fishing expedition. “I had some of my boats out there.
I was part of his search committee.” Bacon relates the same incident, though he says that Nygard was most ungallant. “My wife called him, and he came over to our house. He started casing the joint, looking at it as a place to buy, and did nothing.
They ended up getting somebody else to come find us.” (Nygard says that Bacon’s then wife was “most appreciative” and that he has “never been interested” in Bacon’s house.). Courtesy of Save The Bays. In 2005, Nygard addressed his parking-overflow problem by laying down a 15-by-20-foot concrete slab—on Bacon’s side of the property line.
Bacon responded by suing Nygard and obtaining a court injunction to remove it. Two years later, Bacon dealt with his long-standing irritation with the noise from Nygard’s parties by installing industrial-grade speakers at the edge of his land and pointing them at Nygard Cay at night. “We hired a sound consultant in the U.K.
To see if we could somehow muffle the sound from Nygard’s by emitting a counter-sound, but that proved terribly complicated, so we went and got four huge rock-concert speakers to play something loud in response,” Bacon’s architect, Peter Talty, says. “It was horrible squawking sounds that would drive you out of your mind,” says Eric Gibson, Nygard’s former property manager. In a legal filing, Nygard’s lawyer characterized them as “military-grade speakers” that “blared dangerous, pain-inducing sound waves toward Mr. Nygard’s home.” “It was supposed to create white noise on my side, but that didn’t work,” Bacon says. “What it did to his side I wasn’t really interested in.” There was also the matter of sand. “Nygard was dredging, moving inordinate quantities of sand to increase the size of his property,” says Fred Smith, one of Bacon’s lawyers. “It had been going on for years, but in 2009, around the time the fire burned down his house, it really got out of control.
He had a suction dredge on a floating platform, to move sand onshore, going day and night.” Some worried that in rebuilding Nygard Cay he would try to obtain permission to turn the property into a commercial resort or a stem-cell research facility. (For a while, he advertised it as a rental for $294,000 a week.) Nygard had mentioned in a letter to the prime minister that a stem-cell center on the island could provide employment for hundreds of Bahamians, but insists that he had no intention of building it at Nygard Cay. Meanwhile, Lyford residents and the L.C.P.O.A. Had been lodging complaints with the government for years, even compiling aerial photographs that documented the expanding dimensions of Nygard’s coastline thanks to a series of underwater, sand-collecting barriers—called groins—that jut out from the shoreline.
In the time since Nygard began living there, his piece of land has grown from 3.25 acres to 6.1 acres. Bahamian environmentalists employed by Save the Bays, an organization that Bacon and several other Lyford residents would later set up chiefly to combat Nygard, cite significant damage to the coastline—84,000 square meters of the seafloor that Nygard’s dredging gambit destroyed, according to one study. “It’s impossible for natural accretion to build a beach this size on a point,” Romi Ferreira, a local ecologist and an attorney for the group, says, noting that Nygard’s southern flank—on the bay side—constitutes an especially egregious addendum. Nygard says the accretion to his acreage was brought about by “a severe change in ocean currents” in the 1990s, and points to a study he commissioned that concluded his dredging had little impact on the coastline. Years earlier, Nygard had obtained a government permit to redirect the sand. “The man has a multi-million-dollar yacht, and his marina was silted up,” his lawyer in Nassau, Keod Smith, says.
“Does Peter like the fact that his beach got bigger? Of course he does. But that wasn’t why he did it.” But in 2010, Nygard received distressing news from the prime minister’s office. In a letter dated July 21, he was called out for the accumulation of land that came via his “strategic” renovation and was ordered to not only remove the structures he’d built on the Crown land—his marina, lagoon, barbecue pit, and volleyball court—but also “reinstate” the coastline. It would mean returning all that sand to the Bahamas’ rightful seabed, shrinking his property back down to its original dimensions. Battle Is Joined That’s when Nygard got mad.
He sued the government. He took steps to sue the Lyford Cay Property Owners Association. He sued Bacon over the re-grading project that had created the puddle in the driveway three years earlier and demanded that his neighbor install a security gate where the driveway crosses the property line.
Nygard dispatched workers in the middle of the night to remove the non-locking cast-iron gates from the entrance to Bacon’s property, to rip up four sets of speed bumps on the portion of the driveway that cut through Bacon’s land, and to cover the NO TURNAROUND: PRIVATE PROPERTY warning that was painted on the shared road, replacing it with the words NYGARD CAY. Right in Bacon’s front yard! Nygard is convinced that Bacon “orchestrated” all his problems with Lyford Cay and the government. He adds that all the land he’s been mandated to return to the Bahamas had been unofficially leased to him. “They approved it by letter and after a while it sort of grandfathers itself in,” he says. He also blamed Bacon for an unflattering documentary that ran on the Canadian TV series The Fifth Estate in 2010, titled Peter Nygard: Larger than Life.
Nygard has filed multiple lawsuits, and the CBC has removed the piece from the Internet. In court documents, Nygard called the reporting false and asserted that the most damning accusers had been paid off by Bacon, who calls Nygard’s suspicions “baseless.” In the summer of 2010, 11 armed Bahamian police officers conducted a raid on Point House, during which Bacon’s staff were searched and interrogated and his possessions—including pictures of his children—were photographed. “They searched the house for guns; there weren’t any,” Ian Levy, Bacon’s property manager, says. “They confiscated the speakers. The policemen didn’t wear nametags.” Bacon was mortified and says the chief of police told him that the sergeant in charge of the raid had acted without authorization “and that Nygard had put him up to it.” Nygard says that he and his guests had merely called the police because, that week, they were “exposed to intolerable screeching” from Bacon’s speakers. Soon afterward, Bacon pulled his three youngest children out of school in Lyford Cay and requested that the 70-person offshore advisement desk that handles his client records be moved out of the Bahamas.
“It wasn’t vengeance,” he says. “I had to move the business as a fiduciary. People were worried about the security of our investors’ information.” Nygard kept going.
People he employed posted an elaborate series of YouTube videos and launched fake news Web sites—with names such as Bahamas Citizen and Bahamas National—devoted to ruining Bacon’s name. They featured unsubstantiated assertions that Bacon ran an international drug-smuggling operation, was a member of the K.K.K., had been charged in “one of the biggest Wall Street insider trading cases ever” (a CBS News clip on Raj Gupta’s infamous case had been altered, with Bacon’s name spliced in to replace Gupta’s), and was involved in murdering the Point House caretaker, Dan Tuckfield (who had died of a heart attack in the estate’s hot tub), after commissioning him to set the fire at Nygard Cay. Other postings accused Bacon of taking credit for the efforts of local activists when he accepted the Audubon Medal for preserving Clifton Bay in 2013, and called his acceptance speech, which jokingly cited Gone with the Wind, racist. Nygard doesn’t deny his participation in the campaign. “It’s not actually my product in terms of my invention,” he says, giving credit to his lawyer Keod Smith, an activist who has served in the Bahamian parliament. “But I agree with it.” Has he bankrolled it? “I might have done that.
I’ve been very supportive.” Besides, he’s not afraid of a $100 million defamation suit because, “as I understand it, the biggest award ever given in New York is for one million,” he says.
Kuta Beach Kuta in a word: Party! Chance of Hooking up: 4.5 / 5 Quality of Girls: 3.5 / 5 Smoking tolerance level: 2.5 / 5 Costs €$£ Beer: Around €1 for a bintang. Bed: €5 for the cheapest private room Bud: €5 per gram Board: €2-3 for most meals. Budget other: Rent a moto and see the real Bali. Overview Some say Bali is too touristy, uninspiring and over-rated.
Bali is the business (at least for a few days). Beaches, babes and cheap cocktails; what more could you want? Kuta is the island’s premier destination for night-life and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. Miss Bali Bali is a suburb for women.
You have lots of options in terms of ethnic groups, each of which have varying degrees of quality and difficulty. On the lower end of the scale is the drunk Aussie girls; an easy lay perhaps but quality is generally poor. A much better option is cheeky Javanites; promisous Muslims who come to Bali to bask in relative liberalism. Many are drop-dead gorgeous and easy enough to pull. Be wary, some are semi-pros.
Then there are the odd Eastern European and Japanese girls, which needless to say, are stunning. They get creeped on constantly, so require a little more effort. Finally there is my pick: local Balinese girls. Beautiful, feminine and eloquent, a Bali girl is for keeps.
They don’t screw around and have good values (having children out of wedlock is seriously frowned upon). Kuta chicks That said, if they like you they will have no problem being intimate with you. These sweet girls really know how to please a man and their accents will make you melt. If you want to hook up with one I recommend day game as most have day jobs in Kuta.
At night, they hang out in groups with their friends. Like most women in the region, they prefer westerners. If I had to marry any girl from South East Asia, she would be either Filipina or Balinese. I hope you find your Bali girl 🙂 Nightlife Recommendations Kuta has plenty of options in terms of nightlife. More than likely you will find yourself on Jalan Legion, which has the biggest concentration of nightspots.
Go to the bounty if you want to hang out with a load of pissed Aussie students. There is a lot of cool bars on Jalan Poppie 2 with live reggae music most nights, a good starting point. M-bar-go Good crowd, good music. This place provides a good medium between the bounty and the next place I recommend Sky Garden A wee bit seedy, but I love this place. Three stories of sexiness. No matter your taste, this is the place to be if you want to get laid.
Both me and my mate had no problem scoring here. Bali PR girls Getting High ( courtesy of ) Nomad’s input: Not worth it, most dealers try to rip you off and sell you absolute muck.
Go for some mushrooms! Legislation: Possession, Sale, and Consumption of Marijuana is Illegal and punishable with prison 10 years prison and the death penalty is given for trafficking. Law enforcement: The laws are enforced strongly. Police will except bribes, and generally know not to hassle tourists without due cause. Where to buy marijuana in bali: Head down to Poppies lane in Kuta and walk around the square that area has a high concentration of dealers; also you can hookup from other tourists, particularly Aussie surfer dudes. I suggest u smoke a bit of it first to test it, I couldn’t even manage to score real weed despite the myriad of dealers.
Bali Marijuana prices: Aceh Weed and Nepalese hash 500,000 Rupiah for a good 10 grams, though make sure you bargain you will initially be charged much more and u can get the price down to 350,000 Rupiah. Australian hydro varies, Aussies get better prices than others, though its about 30 USD for a gram, but as I said earlier prices vary greatly ive heard people saying they’ve paid as much as 80 USD for a gram. My Kuta Experience After an incredible bike trip around the island, I landed in Kuta for 4 nights. I didn’t even stay my room once. I approached a tight Javanese girl the first night and went back to hers. Earlier the same night, I gave out my number to a cute Balinese beautician (she was only 4’5!). She text me the next day and asked me over to her place.
We really clicked. I had a few dates with other girls each day but I just going back to her; it was hard to upgrade. The last night she experienced her first mushrooms. It was my first trip with a women and it was an unforgettable experience. She cried her heart out when I was leaving; I even shed a tear or two.
Re the Balinese women, yes, they are how Nomad says it. Soft skin, soft hair, sexy, devoted, all the good things a man can respond to. And I agree with Nomad re he’d only marry a Balinese or a Filipina. Yes – they are the 2 top choices. The filipinas are very sexy and know how to strut their stuff and have great family values and love a laugh and good food. Balinese girls are very similar although a little more conservative in public. Lovina has a selection of Java girls, and some of them are sweet ladies.
They are all looking for a husband. I am a big fan of the general Lovina area and I stay away from Kuta nowadays and I also don’t go out late. I much prefer to be in the arms of a Balinese woman, enjoying her great femininity and touch. I am there soon. If you meet someone you really like get her number and enail and make a point of seeing her often. And give her gifts.
They love all that. Best Luck in Bali and show respect to them, as you like to be treated properly as well. It really is Paradise Island. So, go there, behave yourself and be nice to them. Many years ago I met couple of Bali babes in KL, one silky soft milky thick thights ufffff and that gorgeous derriere with hair nearly as long she was and the other was exact opposite thin petite after BJ in the cab by thick thigh girl both were in my apartment for the weekend rest was epic my first threesome!
I went to visit thick thigh girl in Bali few months later that week was a storm never thought I’d live my fantasiesbut in reality I made several new in that week for rest of my life. This was all many years ago. I’m back in Bali next week though have no idea where that girl will be? Honestly I dont expect to find her although I’ll go look in her neighbhourhood she had looks of royality; perhaps now married with some rich dude and 5 kids too. Thanks Nomad, you made me relive some of those wonderful memories again!
And also got me pumped up to look for new talent. Bali trip is my 40th birthday gift! @Nomad, Is age a barrier for those beauties? And Is it safe to be natural or I’ve to pack trojan caps with me? Bali is a great place without having to worry about getting a wet dick constantly, despite almost everyone thinking about it constantly (can get annoying walking around when they keep asking) Ive been coming here for many years and every year it seems to slide downhill more and more with the dangerous side of life. I wouldnt really try to get bud unless you have at least $200 to bribe off Police as MANY people are linked with them. They also sell a lot of synthetic shit that looks like shat out cabbage with white spider eggs in it.
Shroom shakes are nice, unless you are a junkie as you can get gear pretty easily at night. Just be careful when walking around on anything as its very busy And if you are beered up, geared up or tripping balls, it can give you a false sense of security.
Ive found the best place to keep your wallet is in your undies over your dick (no homo). The kids here can also try to rob you, ive had them feel up my pockets and ass just to try find it. They sell those crappy wrist bands one tries to sell and the rest scope and stalk you.
These are kids and they do this. Kuta very busy. Lots of Australians – not that i have a issue with that but being one myself I know some can be big headed and therefore some locals like to pick us out as targets. Its not Just Australians though, My french friend and I got mobbed because we “had no money” when we were going for a nightwalk.
That was by a random hotel security but the more i think about it, I think it might be the local crime syndicate (mafia). That does exist.
And they like to do it for fun. Call me a sook or what you will – I Just want to make sure anyone who reads this keeps their wits about them. Im currently over here now and every night I have seen something dodgy happen in either Kuta, Seminyak, Legian and even the quiet Sanur. If you want an easy root, $10-$30 AUD will do the trick depending on your taste of course. Same note, with everyone at the bars and clubs drinking $2 Bintang or $3.50 Smirmoff Ices, You have a good chance.
Dont be the seedy prick though, bouncers will sort you out if you fuck around. Especially if you try with a dancer or stripper. If you want one of them, speak nicely and buy them a drink.
AND DO NOT PUT YOURS DOWN – they like to spike drinks for the fun of it. They can spike you and lead you somewhere and take all you have. Including you shoes and pants if you’re unlucky. Again, say what you want about me, Ive been here many many times and I think I have a decent opinion.
Lovely country, check out the surrounding Islands like Lombok though, Its like Bali 15 years ago before it got busy. Also amazing snorkelling/Diving. If you are into fishing you will have zero luck off of the shore as they pillage the sea. Hit up a charter and catch some sword fish or mahi mahi. Shouldnt cost more than $40 for all day.
Almost everyone Ive spoken to likes you to “add on facebook”. Ive found this has been a GREAT way to get discounts off an already super cheap holiday.
Especially if you bring friends or return to them – even sending them an occasional message when you get home means a lot to them, some have a crazy good memory and can remember you from last year and beyond. Every time I go down to Kuta Beach this one beach bar calls me in and gives me “good price!” on beer – anddddd for $3 they will go get you an awesome Nasi Goreng (firend rice/vegies etc) which hits the spot. In Seminyak I have been staying in “Private Villas” which is essentially a private house with 3-5 or so different houses in the same complex. Tbh swinger heaven with the private pools and sensual indoor/outdoor bathrooms. 24/7 security too which is great. SOME can get bud as well – despite me being against it before!
But hey, when you have to stay up all night with a mate looking after drunk tourist why not right? When walking around at night be very careful of who you speak too. Ive found if you carry a Bintang around and a bottle opener they leave you alone (still ask you for Jiggy-Jig (sexxx)) but its nice to feel wanted – especially by two ladies at the same time XD Word of warning! Ask if they are female awkward stories about lady boys that looked legit like a gorgeous indo till “she” whipped it out. They let you have a feel though which is great haha If you are into site seeing than there is some amazing places to see. You can hire a private driver that will take you anywhere you want for around $50 – less if you know how to barter. That is a great skill to have over here, especially if you are a newbie.
They can pick you out and try charge higher prices if they think you are new here. Learning basic indo is a very great way to avoid this. If you can turn they down in their own language they generally wont hassle you again – Be “polite” about it especially in market places such as Kuta Or Legian as they will talk to one another about that rude person who abused them. For anyone new to Bali, Kuta is the busy area but good for shopping for your general “bali crap”. Its been getting busier and busier every year though, and somewhat more. If you are with friends though Id say its fine, but walking on your own especially down some streets is a good way to get singled out and even mobbed. Sadly I speak from experience but hey, im still here and im gonna come back regardless.
Legian is to the left of Kuta and is lightly less busy, and still within walking distance to good pubs and clubs. Ive found this is a prime spot if you are into Japanese or Korean Ladies!
Seminyak is left of Legian and Is slightly more expensive than the rest. Only by a dollar or two but you know what I mean.
There is “Gay bars” here and many Lady Boys. They can be very unpredictable and even dangerous. They can carry weapons such as knives.
I guess fair enough. If you want to Impress on “Ciao Bella” works wonders.They can be very good people if you aren’t a judgmental against them. Bottoms Up is a great name for a “gay bar” and also the staff dress up and put on a pretty good show if you are into watching something a little different. But Id suggest going with a friend as when i went on my own wow – so many older guys calling you over, buying you drinks (make the most of that one!) and just.
But hey, if that’s up your alley no judging. Frankenstein restaurant is an extremely different place Sanur is on the other side of the bottom tip of the island, Its very quiet over that way so if you are after relaxation time I would Highly suggest it. Peneeda View is a good reasonably priced hotel with 3 swimming pools. Its good for being alone or with family as the lay out is decent.
Id suggest Hiring a push bike for $3 a day so you can ride around the area fast. Plus people leave you alone more if you are riding. Of course you can do this in all the other areas but this place is the best for it thanks to the bike path out the front. Even though this place is “quiet” I still would advice caution when walking around here even with a friend. There has been some suss things over there recently.
Word on the street is “old men go there for child”. So In saying that, the mob does have a hand in that bullcrap. Best Advice is during the day when you are strolling around be polite and say hello to the security guards at the various hotels as they can help you out if the water starts to boil. They are far more reliable than the police. Id highy recommend the resturant called “Coriander” just over the other side of Peneeda View. Very good priced food, good staff and great food. If you want to get in anyones good books, after your meal tell the waiter “Enna Skully” (yes i Know that is spelt wrong but you know haha).
It essentially means Good/Great food and it will make their day, especially if you are a returning customer. Of course you dont have take my word for it but compliments do wonders. Just like being polite – dont mean to go on about that of course but it does annoy me to see “Rude Westerners”. Its not just Australians, Its Germans, French and Americans etc. Thats what causes the negative crap, So try do the right thing (Bintangs willing!
XD) Jimbaran Bay is where the seafood is. Lobsters, Swordfish, Mahi Mahi, squid, Salmon, cutlefish, prawns. You get the picture! Recently the quality of seafood has gone up (use to never want to touch it unless you love hugging the toilet for 2-3 days (yay Bali Belly!) but the pricing is still slightly high. Still better than back home (unless you fish for a living), but youre on holiday so its worth a shot =) Also its nice to stroll along the beaches and take in the sun! If you are a surfer, then there are many many many places for you to check out. Get a guide for the day and bring your board along – or hire one!
Bear in mind many breaks are over reefs or rock beds so try your best not to end up hitting the bottom! My Mate had a thick wetsuit on and he still tore it open on his ass and then he got a large flared infection that made everything hard. Was funny to watch but haha I payed a local 50,000 Rp (~$5) and he took me out on his jetski to breaks i couldnt be bothered paddling too and he even hung around till I was done. The surfy guys can be very kind people and once you get to know them they do look out for you. I will admit though SOME are protective of their areas so aslong as you treat them and the place with respect, everything should be fine. I guess thats just common sense though right?
Surf locations have good little places to get food and cold beer, they know what we want! “bloody cold bintang!” and cheap food. Again, be cautious when looking for bud as you can end up in jail or worse. Persoanlly I dont bother with it here as the alcohol is cheap, and there are alternatives. Even if the person seems trustworthy They can Liaise with police to set you up in order to get a bride out of you, or just to wreck your holiday.
This isnt always the case but you must be aware of this. If you want headspin or something like that just by a strong pack of smokes for $3 to have after a few beers. Or be hardcore and risk that suss synthetic haha Some people might want gear, so even though im not into it myself – others may be, so if thats the case walking around at night time and speaking to either Prosties or random guys on the street. If they say “magic Mushroom” straight away, id probably stay away, unless you have a good exit route planned down the alley way and over that fence. Taxi Drives can also be very good contacts, Ive met one who can deliver what I want because we talk on facebook occasionally when im not here, talk about his family and tip him accordingly (that works very well! If your taxi fare is 35,000 Rp, give them a 50,000 and let them keep the change.
Im sure a dollar or two is worth a good contact right? Each to their own if that offends any of you by me saying that. Bali is a great place but everywhere has its good and bad. Money does crazy things to people so dont get sucked in.
If you plan to ride a scooter, I do suggest getting an international Drivers license as the police are “western hunters” and unfortunately do pick on people. If you have the license and wear a helmet, your chances of a fine or having to pay a bribe is reduced. It use to be $20 or so but ive heard some ask for $200 or more and if you dont pay you could end up in the cop shop paying more.
My friend had his phone stolen by a local here whilst walking around, we thought the right thing to do was to go to the cop shop and report it as your insurance company my say to do. Sadly it just cost us $100 AUD cash for him to sit around and do jack shit. In this case, what can you do about it? If this happens to you its better off just waiting till you are home to sort it out by saying it was stolen. Travel insurance is important as well especially if you did have an accident, its better to safe than sorry right?
It can vary depending on your age and the length of time you are staying. Id say at least $50 for it if you cant afford it -don’t go! The hospital bills are expensive and you need to pay up. Mosquitos are annoying too but with some personal spray and a big bottle of raid for like $2 to blitz your room before you go out.
Ive never had many issues with them till this time, all of the bites are flaring and if you arent careful you can get very sick by infection. Buy some Betadine and even Pawpaw cream as a sealer. Dont let sand or dirty get in it as you are almost promised a nasty yellow pussy mess. Sorry if thats too Vile, better you find out now right?
The local dogs can also be iffy, some are great mates and can follow you around all night when drinking, but others have a pack mentality and they can get their friends to come quickly if threatened. Being a dog person ive found being nice to them is the best way to deal with it but do as you want. Ive never had any nip or bite me but you never know. Also cats here are weird, they hide from you and watch you for some reason. Gonna guess they have a hard life over here.
Over here the main thing I like to drink is bottled alcohol such as Bintang, Bali Hai or Smirmoffs. If you are out try your best to watch them opening it, most people do it infront of you but some places are more suss. As for cocktails and spirits, best advice to to avoid the local Arak spirit. It tastes like vinegar and admitted it is nice but many can get violent on it and as we all know some have died from it. Its made in shitty backrooms and legit gets delivered plastic bags or other dodgy bottles (say used vodka bottles). I use to work as a distiller at a distillery so I know the dangers of the methanol as it is very dangerous. What they can do is; instead of taking the top layer off (say with Whisky methanol is one of the very first portions that comes off).
In Whisky it is recycled through the still again as it does have nice fruity flavor compounds, but if you forget to take it off the top. Its all over red rover.
If it doesn’t fry your brain, your organs have a high chance of failing. I have had it before but only because locals were drinking it first and after a hour they hadn’t died, so I guess it was okay! Hate me all you want for saying that xD But, the scary thing about it though, I started to loose feeling in my arms and chest. Tested the theory by being shot repeatly with a shotgun bee-bee gun on my nipple (great idea I know!) and couldnt feel a thing. If you havnt been shot by one of those suckers over here They hurt.- Also they are worth about 50,000-70,000 Rp with bullets, if you are a child inside you will love the pump action bee-bee guns, or even a uzi style for the same price – good fun! Some Locals have also been known to pick out individuals, a new one i’ve heard about is some dodgy people who hang out the front of Circle k’s or other 24hour shops.
Some are fine, But Ive heard that they can “shout” you drinks as there friend runs the shop or they just have money. After speaking to a few people here (taxi drivers, security or waiters etc) they have all said the same thing. Call it coincidence or bullshit, anyways, they can be linked with mafia or just their to put a pill in your drink. I know you might think thats stupid, but once you are legless, they can mob you and also take your shit. So just a heads up on that one. Also, a great game to play with your mates if you are heading out is called “24houry”. Stop in at every 24 along the way, grab a “roady” (Bintang or Smirmoff works well!) and see how you go drinking it before you get to the next one.
If A mate starts to stock pile drinks, they arent playing it right! Haha This is a good way to get pre-Drinks sorted, but make sure you clealry have enough money to keep the party going later! XD And another thing, Kuta does have lots of younger people so really if you are keen on taking advantage of wasted juvies for a one night stand You probably should find yourself a partner and jog on. I dont care what you think of that, Maybe its a respect thing. Fucking people over is a dick move.
Its not that hard to have a good time without being a deviant just for a quick root. Of course not everyone is young there but its getting that way, considering most of you people are/were commenting around schoolies time. Im here with friends and from w we keep seeing its getting worse for it. Now, sorry if I dragged this on a bit, I do hope that the Random bits of information and basic guidelines i have given can help someone. If anyone wants anything more details feel free to ask. I will gladly give whatever advice or help I can =). The Balinese people are the nicest and friendliest people that I’ve met in Southeast Asia.
They’re inquisitive, helpful and incredibly polite. They’re gentle. They’re intensely family-oriented. Their spiritual beliefs shape their lives, and many aspects of their lifestyle haven’t changed in centuries.
So to see the home of such wonderful people turned into a disgusting tourist ghetto really saddened me. I do know that this environment brings in jobs and revenue to many Balinese people, but it upsets me nonetheless. The realities of Bali – Kuta: It’s not so easy to get “drunk Aussie chicks” as they say. You have to be young and hanging out with friends in order to get lucky. And, by the way, most of the young Aussie women visiting Bali are only looking for young Aussie or European men. Not Asians, nor older westerners. The only reliable way for older or Asian men to meet Australian women is to actually go to Australia (try Brisbane/Gold Coast).
The Bounty was a bust when I was there, practically deserted. The streets and other clubs had more action. Don’t stay at hotels on Legian, too noisy and overpriced. If you must stay in Kuta try to find a hotel east of Jl. Avoid most restaurants in Kuta, the locals warned me against them.
And never buy any souvenirs in Kuta, especially avoid the shops on Poppies I, total ripoff, vastly overpriced. Do you shopping and eating OUTSIDE of Kuta. Find a motorcycle driver who seems trustworthy to take you to the stores and restaurants just outside of Kuta, they aren´t far (some are in walking distance) The Bali taxi drivers were often less trustworthy than the motorcycle drivers. They are more likely to try to overcharge or to set you up.