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Product Support for: Computer Control ->SoundFX USB Decoder Programmer (PR3) The PR3 lets SoundFX users download new Project sound files and even reflash the sound decoder's firmware for latest updates. It also acts as a computer interface and LocoNet Translator for your PC. The PR3 is the most economical computer Interface we offer, it has all the functionality of a PR2 and a MS100 combined in one. Finally it functions on the more modern USB 2.0 interface making it easier to connect and more friendly to newer PCs.
What are the most common applications for the PR3? 1) Stand alone Sound FX programmer As a bench tool the PR3 is the first USB and second device designed by Digitrax for the programming of the SoundFX sound decoder. The PR3 does write to and read from the sound patterns of any SoundFX sound decoder. In addition the PR3 can write to and read from any CV of most current non sound mobile and function decoders found in today's market place. 2) Digitrax command station LocoNet to Computer interface As a layout control tool the PR3 is a second generation. What are the different operational modes available in the PR3? The PR3 is the combination of two previous Digitrax devices: the PR2 decoder programmer and the MS100 LocoNet to computer interface.
The PR3 can be configured through manual (control panel buttons) or automatically (software) means to perform any one of the following three operations: a) The PR3 can be configured to function as a stand alone decoder programmer. In this mode the PR3 can program the configuration variables of most DCC decoders and the sound effects of the Digitrax Sound FX sound decoders.
B) The PR3 can be configured to. Will the PR3 and SoundLoader software work on systems with specifications other than those listed in the PR3 manual? The beta testers have reported that the PR3 with SoundLoader software, DigiMon software, and IPL software have been found to work on many desktop and laptop computers running Windows 2000 and Windows XP with Processors as slow as 450mhz, Ram memory as little as 128mb, and USB 1.1 Ports. The beta testers cannot confirm that every computer with the above limitations will function properly with the PR3 and SoundLoader software. Running the PR3 and PR3 Xtra with JMRI on MAX OS X.
1) Plug in the Digitrax PR3 to a USB port on an Intel-based Apple computer running MAC OS version 10.5 or later. Within about a second the Green 'USB' led on the PR3 should glow steady green showing a USB connection has been established with the MAC. 2) Open system profiler or About This Mac and under hardware>USB there should be a entry 'Vcom' showing that the USB port has enumerated OK. This optional step is simply to check the PR3 device was found.3) Go to JMRI sourceforge. When the PR3 is powered up and properly operating, the green ‘USB’ light on the PR3’s control panel will be blinking steadily and the red ‘STAT’ will be blinking momentarily. Make sure the supplied SoundLoader Installation CD is inserted in your PC's CD player.
Plug the PR3’s USB cable into a vacant USB socket on your PC. Depending on which operating system you have on your PC, you will next see a dialog box appear on your PC’s monitor. The procedure we document in the following pages is for Windows XP, if you have Windows Vista®, Windows 2000®,. Just wondering if i can get clarification regarding using the PR3 as a standalone Loconet Terminator. The 'LocoNet termination' mode of the PR3 allows the unit to connect to other modules without needing a command station, when there is no requirement for DCC track packets. In this mode you can interface to a PC and add units like DS64's with control of turnouts and detection (BDL168) and signals (SE8) without needing to run DCC track control or decoders.

Running off e.g. JMRI or RR+Co is a good and intended usage. SoundLoader and PR3 have been tested to work on PC compatible computers running at 550MHz and up with Windows XP or Vista, 512MB of RAM. Other combinations of hardware and software such as Windows 98 may also work, but are not supported by Digitrax, and have not been tested to operate properly.
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Installation consists of three steps: Hardware installation, software installation, and software setup. Below is a photograph of the actual hardware connections required for SoundFX programming. Assemble the PR3 hardware as shown in the diagram below and connect to an appropriate power supply (Digitrax PS14 or equivalent).
Under what conditions can the PR3 be used as a Stand Alone LocoNet Terminator? The PR3 is so designed so that it can be configured to act as a stand alone LocoNet controller in the event that a Digitrax command station is unavailable for the control of a series of LocoNet compatible devices. There are two major situations that would require the PR3 to act as a stand alone LocoNet controller. The first situation is where one of the many advanced features offered by the LocoNet and the various LocoNet compatible devices is desired to be used on a layout. The Mode Switch: The Mode Switch next to the Green LED is used to toggle back and forth between MS-100 mode and PR2 Programmer Mode. The Green LED will wink once per second if in the MS-100 Mode or toggle every second when in the PR2 sound programming mode. The Loconet Termination Switch: The switch next to the error LED is used only in MS-100 mode to activate the Loconet current source termination feature.
This switch is active ONLY when a command station is NOT connected to the Loconet and the red LED is solid on indicating there is no. Note: If the PR3 driver installation process fails, you will have to uninstall the VCOM USB driver before attempting reinstallation. We suggest using a utility called USBDeview for this purpose. It is available for download from: process is simple, run the USBDeview program, location the VCOM driver in the list and right click to uninstall. Disclaimer The software is provided 'AS IS' without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages.
How can I connect my PR3 programming output to an existing programming track on my layout that is already set up for programming and mainline operations? Install a non shorting multi position rotary switch between a isolated section of track, 4-6” longer than your longest engine, and the various desired outputs from command stations and the PR3 output terminals. The following schematic allows a single section of track to be fed by the rail output of a command station, the programming track output of a command station, and the programming output of a PR3. To add other third party decoder. Wired Mobile Decoder with SoundFX™+Accessory type functions for most HO scale Locomotives.
The sound project loaded into this decoder may be operated independently of any other DCC motor or function decoder. If another non-Sound FX compatible DCC decoder is connected to the track leads, then CV readback of SFX0416 Sound CV's and PR3 SoundTest modes may not be possible. Tibbo Virtual Serial Port Windows 7. Note that it is always possible to Write CV values using Operations mode or a Service Mode programming track, even if CV Read is inoperative. If the connected function loads are insufficient for CV readback with a PR3 or an incompatible.
This application note shows how you can use your Digitrax PR2 Programmer with the USB Port on your computer. The PR2 has been replaced by PR3 Programmer and Computer Interface. PR3 offers USB connectivity.The PR2 Programmer is a serial device that connects to a computer via a 25pin serial port. Serial ports are not available on most computers in current production. USB ports are more widely used today. The Digitrax PR2 Programmer can be connected to a USB port by using a USB to Serial RS-232 DB-25 Adapter Cable.
Caution: Not all cables on the market will work. The SoundBug track connections are shown below: The SoundBug is assigned the same address as the mobile decoder, with the only shared CV's being the address (CV01), the Configuration Register (CV29), and the headlight and momentum settings. Sound projects loaded into this decoder may be operated independently of any other DCC motor or function decoder. If another non-Sound FX compatible DCC decoder is connected to the track leads then CV readback of SFX004 Sound CV's and PR3 SoundTest modes may not be possible.
Note that it is always possible to Write CV values using Operations mode or a Service Mode. DCS240 FAQ I’m getting a “StealZap” or message on my DT402 rev 2 throttle. What is this? This is a feature that helps prevent having the same address selected on multiple throttles and creating unexpected operations. When you steal you are truly stealing control of the locomotive instead of sharing it as was the case before the DCS240 and DT402 R2 firmware were released.
When using a DT402 R2 throttle with an Advanced Command Station featuring expanded slots, each throttle ID is associated with the Loco Addresses it has selected. When you select a Loco that is selected on. The sound project loaded into this decoder can be operated independently of any other DCC motor or function decoder. If another non-Sound FX compatible DCC decoder is connected to the track leads then CV readback of SFX064D Sound CV's and PR2/PR3 SoundTest modes may not be possible. Note that it is always possible to Write CV values using Operations mode or a Service Mode programming track, even if CV Read is inoperative.If the connected function loads are insufficient for CV readback or an incompatible DCC decoder is also connected, it is still possible to download a complete sound project.
Q: I would like to know about SE8C and signals on non-DCC layouts. A: The SE8c is a signal driver for your layout. You can operate signals manually with any LocoNet Throttle and Command Station.
Or, in your case, the SE8c can drive signals automatically with detection and compatible computer software such as RailRoad & Co. Or JMRI.You will need detection devices to identify the presence of trains, a computer interface such as the PR3, a computer program supplying the signaling logic and the SE8c driving the signal heads themselves. Note that in a LocoNet environment, the SE8C supports detection: DS01. The MS100 LocoNet Interface is a serial device that connects LocoNet to a computer via a 25pin serial port.This application note shows how you can use your Digitrax MS100 computer interface with the USB Port on your computer. Serial ports are not available on most computers in current production.
USB ports are more widely used today. The Digitrax MS100 LocoNet interface can be connected to a USB port by using a USB to Serial RS-232 DB-25 Adapter Cable. Digitrax recommends the PR3 for interfacing your USB equipped computer with LocoNet.Caution: Not all cables on the market will work. This program allows monitoring of LocoNet message traffic and operations. It is available on our downloads page as a ZIP file and is provided for Digitrax customer convenience.
This utility is provided on an as-is basis for users with Windows based machines configured to work with this software, and the ability to perform the setup and operation tasks detailed below. Techsupport is not configured to diagnose issues related to operating system, hardware, configuration or other possible problem areas that may cause problems with running these utilities. This program allows monitoring of LocoNet message traffic and operations. A) Copy this. Notes on IPL updating DT402 Throttles to R2 DT402 throttles can be updated to R2 using any compatible PC connection, including the DCS240 and PR3.
Always make sure you are using the latest version of DigiIPL to update your hardware. When updating DT402D throttles the RF24 module must also be updated to the latest RF24 firmware. After updating the DT402s to R2 it is recommended that you reset the throttle to factory default. If you encounter any issue updating your DT402 throttle, the IPL update process can be repeated to resolve any issues.
Occasionally running the update twice or 3. When I hook up my USB cable to my PC the DCS240’s blue USB led turns on, but Digitrax DigiIPL II, LocoMon and SoundLoader II utilities do nothing when opened. What is the problem? The blue USB led lit on the DCS240 means that the complex USB Enumeration and startup sequence has successfully completed. Be sure to select the correct COM port number that is now associated with this DCS240 in the software you are trying to use. You can see this COM number appear in the “Ports (COM & LPT)” entries of e.g. The Device Manager function of Windows.
Wired Mobile Decoder with SoundFX™+Accessory type functions for most HO scale Locomotives. Connect the Red and Black track wires from the 7 connector Track and Function leads to the locomotive track power connections. Connect the function leads that are to be used from the 7 conductor Track and Function wire set.
Note that to be able to readback Sound FX CV's a combination of function lead loads of at least 60mA at 12volts should be connected to these function leads. Insulate the unused function leads so they cannot short to the locomotive frame or track power. The DigiGroupSetup utility is in a ZIP file which is provided for Digitrax customer convenience and can be downloaded from our downloads page. Read Me Text File with DigiGroupSetup This utility is provided on an as-is basis for users with a Windows based machine configured to work with this software, and the ability to perform the setup and operation tasks detailed below. Techsupport is not configured to diagnose issues related to operating system, hardware, configuration or other possible problem areas that may cause problems with running these utilities. DigiGroupSetup: This program allows convenient Duplex system setup for any UR92 on. Note the SFX006 is identical.
These instructions pertain to both Soundbugs. 1) Identify the correct orientation and mounting side of the DH165 series Decoder with SFX004 Soundbug Socket to plug this sound module into.
There is text saying 'SFX here' etc. The SFX004 must only be mounted from the correct side and orientation, for each of the DH165 host decoders. 2) With correct orientation noted from step 1, align the dual row of SFX004 connector pins to the matching holes in the DH165 host PCB. Apply gentle and firm pressure behind the SFX004 connector to engage the pins until. Programming is the process of setting the configuration variables (CVs) in your decoder to the appropriate values that will make the locomotive perform the way you want it to. The first CVs that most people change are those that set the locomotive decoder's address.
The mobile decoder in your locomotive usually comes pre-porgrammed to a factory default address of '03'. Once you add a second locomotive, you will want to change the this new locomotive to another address. Not doing so will result in both locomotives operating at the same time when you send commands to address 03.Likewise, there are a. Digitrax SoundFX Decoder Troubleshooting Guide This troubleshooting guide assumes that you are working with an operating Digitrax system that is able to run trains and that the locomotive you are troubleshooting is operational and has a Digitrax sound decoder and speaker installed correctly.
If there is no sound, first make sure the decoder is not muted: Press the Function 8 (F8) key, and make sure F8 is OFF. Function 8 is used to toggle between sound active (F8 OFF) and mute (F8 ON). If there is no sound and the locomotive won’t move when the address is selected on your. LNWI Advanced Options Status LEDs: The LNWI has two status LEDS Green ID indicator and a Red OPS indicator.
The state of these indicators can be interpreted to provide status information and also some useful diagnostic insights. Table 1: Status LEDs LED Status Indicates Green ID indicator mostly lit, winking OFF every 3 seconds LNWI is powered and connected to LocoNet Green ID indicator mostly off, blinking ON every 3 seconds LNWI is powered and LocoNet is not connected or sleeping Green ID indicator winks OFF LNWI received a good LocoNet Message Red OPS indicator blinks ON LNWI received a. Digitrax Complete Train Control By Zana & A.J. Ireland Digitrax Complete Train Control makes reliable, realistic train operation and simplified layout wiring a reality.
Digital Command Control is incorporated within the Digitrax system to let you control multiple trains independently on the same section of track without blocking. In the real world, engineers control the speed and direction of real trains. Engines operate under their own power independent of the track.
Each engine has its own motion characteristics like how fast it speeds up (acceleration) and how long it takes to slow down (deceleration). A locomotive's performance is influenced. My sound decoder has a capacitor, why do I need a PX112? The capacitor that came with your Digitrax sound decoder is designed to hold up sound operation in the presence of brief power interruptions.
It is not designed to keep the locomotive’s motor and lights running. Our ears are very sensitive to sound interruptions so, the capacitor on your sound decoder will prevent most of these drop outs on average quality track. Most people don’t even notice the small pauses in a locomotive’s movement and the small flashes of the lights when the track power is interrupted.