Mercurius Homeopathic Software Crack Works 3,9/5 5176votes

Homeopathic remedies below are recommended as first resort; if they do not work, see your doctor; if antibiotics do not subdue infection, abscess may have to be drained. Nipple cracked and discharging pus, general exhaustion, Silicea 6c. Breasts painful and engorged with milk at time of period, Mercurius 6c.
Team presents – wide range of homeopathic software’s with variety in features and at attractive prices. Select the best one for your pocket. Mercurius Homeopathic software now in India Mercurius is a modern repertorization and materia medica software for homeopathic practitioners, providing you the highest quality information on which you can base your prescriptions.
Mercurius supports a range of repertories (including the most advanced Complete Repertory 2012 from Roger van Zandvoort) and thousands of pages of materia medicae – combines repertory, materia medica and the patient management system in a single piece of software. Mercurius is currently available in English, German, Slovak and Czech. Download a FREE demo version of Mercurius homeopathic software from Vithoulkas Compass for a acurate prescription A new breakthrough online software-as-a-service expert system for practitioners offering the highest level of accuracy in finding the correct remedy. The service is currently available for beta testing free of charge. Vithoulkas Compass truly represents the future in homeopathy software. Its accuracy is unmatched due to its development using statistical analysis of thousands of cured cases, mainly from the personal archives of George Vithoulkas. It is also the first online expert system, which can be accessed from anywhere, including mobile platforms and improves from the user experiences. Link: Complete Dynamics A software program using the Complete Repertory.
It is surprisingly elegant and simple to use. The free Browser Edition allows everybody to read and study the entire Complete Repertory for free. The commercial Practitioner Edition adds Analysis, Case Management, and Materia Medica, for a very moderate price.
Pricing is based on a subscription model, with no initial large investment like other commercial software, and free upgrades and support. Complete Dynamics is a program that is designed from the ground up to run on MacOs, Windows and Linux. Visit: Open Rep A free, fully functional homeopathic software designed to support homeopathy. OpenRep is the first truly free Open Source homeopathic software, developed by Vladimir Polony with only one goal – to provide functional and portable homeopathic software that could contribute to the whole homeopathic community.
The whole design is driven by the functionality and ease of use, always offering the least complicated way of repertorizing and evaluating a homeopathic case. OpenRep is the first homeopathic software developed in Java, making it the most portable homeopathic software that can be run under a wide variety of operating systems.
The source code of OpenRep FREE is freely available for download making in the world’s first and only Open Source homeopathic software. Repertorium Publicum is the first open source repertory. It is based on the latest version of Kent’s Homeopathic Repertory and is fully dependent on the efforts of community to make it as best as possible.
Polyvisionblr www.polyvisionblr.compms Patient Management software from Bangalore. India You have to pay the usage charges of Rs 1000 (per Year) Patient Registration Patient Prescriptions Patient Reports, Lab, X Ray Patient Photograph, Images Patient Billing Service and Lab Billing Daily Cash Statements Homoeopathic Office Management & Everyday Operating System An efficient office manager.Now have your patients’ latest information at your finger tips anytime and anywhere, be it office, home or elsewhere With the ever expanding use of computers, all information can be stored electronically, thus saving space and enhancing efficiency.
Your office can now become virtually ‘paperless’ thereby minimizing the need for secretarial help. Homeos is designed for an easy, professional and smooth functioning of your work place and promises to be of great value to every homoeopath in day-to-day practice for administration as well as patient management Stimulare A software from India Versions: Start up, Basic, Popular, Professional, Premium Includes Roger Van Zdandvoorts latest repertory including Complete repertory 2008, Materia medica, repertory, therapeutics with most modern genuine search facility. It give rubrics while entering details in options like personal history, male female observations etc. Useful to even those who are not expert in computers or repertories, allowing different approaches to repertorisation Using stimulare you can replicate your case taking method. You can either opt for extensive case taking or a brief case taking based on your experiment. You can build patients local word in English to get difficult symptoms in repertories and materia medica easily. Email: Organon 2001 Version 2.1 of the Homeopathy Program ORGANON 2001 has been released and is now available in two editions: the Basic and the Advanced edition.A major advantage of this program is that it is time effective.
The ADVANCED version includes 3,592,918 references to medicines,approximately 2,700,000 references to medicines, which are based on synthetic thinking and concern compounds of two or three chemical elements, are presented to homeopaths around the world for the first time.The program functions are very simple, comprehensible and user-friendly, even for the most inexperienced computer users. The entire symptom search process is completed on one screen where all necessary information appears simultaneously, Information available in 28 languages. Clinician- Diagnosis at a mouse click An innovative software with differential diagnosis,4562 disease descriptions,1318 lab investigation with normal values,486 clinical examination methods, food and drug interaction, vitamins, prophylaxis and innovative clinic management system. Email: Dealing with the user-friendly and innovative software RADAR. Archibel has been known throughout the world for more than a decade as a leader in merging state-of-the-art technology with Homeopathy. With a data base of 4000 medicines.
Radar 10 have NEW Luc De Schepper Module compatibility — this module will help you classify symptoms into clipboards and work with your patient’s “core delusion”. Over 200 new images – multiple images for some remedies, Over 250 new sound clips from master homeopaths to explain symptoms, Over 6,000 new Concepts – synonyms to help you translate the words of the patient into the language of the repertory, Advanced Families functionality; now YOU can define the focus of your analysis. Improved look and feel, with easier access to common functions, Live Update – automatic and free software upgrades whenever you are online. FREENOTES – a new section to store the latest seminar notes from your favorite teachers and easily share your information with other users. Full compatibility with Microsoft’s new Vista operating system, while continuing to function on Windows XP Offers practical application of Hahnemannian concept in clinical practice.
Helping in comprehensive case recording, and automatic conversion of symptoms in rubrics in various repertories in one time. Analysis and evaluation of case with dominant miasm, suggesting dose and potency along with similimum. Designed by Dr.Tarkeshwar Jain.Asst professor,Dr.MPK Homeopathic Medical College.Jaipur.India.For details: The site for MacRepertory and Reference Works.
MacRepertory is the repertorization tool, which makes it easy to quickly select rubrics and analyse a case, check materia medica and to feel confident about your prescription. Reference works is a rich analysis system based on a huge library of more than 800 volumes of materia medica, provings, journals and more. This simplified version of our online homeopathic remedy finder is based on the most common 500 or so rubrics. For a more thorough analysis, see the full homeopathy software which contains around 65,000 rubrics. The latest version of Miccant’s ISIS system, ISIS Vision answers the need for increased ease of use and more powerful and sophisticated repertory and materia medica searching. Offering all of the convenience and practicality of ISIS, but with added speed, power and flexibility, ISIS Vision is still the only software of its kind to combine repertories, materia medicas, remedy database, dictionaries and more in one convenient and simple interface.
The result is incredible ease of use! The only draw back is that it doesn’t contains synthetic repertory.
They are offering free up gradation. SIMILIMUM offers a complete package of a whole new range of digital tools, books, platforms and utilities that may be required by a homoeopath in everyday practice. It is expected to be most reliable in maintaining a fully computerized homoeopathic clinic. It has Major Materia Medica Works,Master Repertories,Search Repertories ( Locate exact rubrics using multiple search tools and key-word searches).Preparing Rubrics – Versatile tools provided for scientific pre-repertorizational preparation of rubrics, like Combining Similar Rubrics, Grading Rubrics, Classifying Rubrics Etc.
Comparative studies of results obtained from different Repertorization Strategies. Book Shelf – Over and above the Materia Medica and Repertories, it provide an elaborate Book Shelf containing important Philosophical, Theoretical, Clinical and Therapeutic Works. Synthetic Materia Medica- This book was compiled from KENT REPERTORY, by listing the rubrics under each drug, in alphabetical order. This single work is estimated to be such a voluminous one that it contains around 30000 printable pages of literature! Homeopathic software with the ‘quickest rubric search’ and repertorisation and similimum from 56 repertories such as Kent, Boger, Boericke, Boeninghausen, Complete Repertory and others.
10 CDs,14 modules, MCQs Online.300books,5000 articles, LAN version, integrated hospital management system, School and college management system. Hompath has more than 26,000 users across 85 countries with its headquarters in Mumbai, India. Hompath has trained representatives all around the world. Software by renewed homeopath Dr.rajan Sankaran & team. Vital Quest is the first ever case-taking software. A team of Homeopaths have worked with Dr.
Rajan Sankaran’s insights and concepts to put his artistic case taking technique into a simple smooth flowing process and have produced this software. Anahata Homeopathic Software Makers of AtamA and Remedy Keys www.homeosoftware This Software (HRES) from India is developed for helping Homoeopathic Doctors for carefully selecting the similimum- the most suited remedy in a case – out of hundreds of major remedies and many rare remedies, which they come across in their practice. Features include Repertorisation, Eliminative Repertorisation, Miasmatic Repertorisation, Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Drug essence, Relationship of remedies, Homoeopathic Philosophy, Clinical Experiences from Masters, Classical Articles, Diet Restrictions in Homoeopathy, Taking Patient Case by referring to the respective Organ, Case Reviewing on each visit, Maintenance of Patient Directory, Treatment Directory, Creation of Doctors own repertories etc.
Special Features include Human Anatomy, Physiology, Human diseases, Medical Manual, Nutrition, First Aids, Food restrictions in diseases, Medical Dictionary etc. No mouse click. Keyboard may be used instead. Even if the Windows Operating System is out, You can work with this software.
Also this software occupies a small volume of your hard disk with all those books Listed in this manual. Email:. RADAR set the standard for homeopathy software, and now the best is even better.
The arrival of RADAR 10 brings major new features and a host of streamlined advances that take homeopathic software to a new level of excellence. The foundation of RADAR 10 is the new Synthesis 9.2 Repertory database. It’s one of 20 repertories you can access with the program – along with the highly respected Complete 2003 and Repertorium Universale.
And now you have the ability to search through all Repertories simultaneously. With RADAR 10, you can now find synonymous or related rubrics directly from the repertorization chart. Operations that required several screens in previous versions are now available to you from just one place, with a single click.
You can even get immediate tool tip help with a simple touch of your mouse. In fact, the program now offers total integration between Clipboard and Analysis. And Analysis is even further expanded by the addition of Families, Miasmatic, Boenninghausen’s Concordances and Relationship of Remedy functions.Using the Synthesis Repertory side by side with Roger van Zandvoort’s Complete Millennium and Repertorium Universale is a dream come true. Now we have the freedom to compare and choose from all the available homoeopathic data. Mercurius is a modern repertorization and materia medica software for homeopathic practitioners, providing you the highest quality information on which you can base your prescriptions. To date, Mercurius has users in 68 countries.
Combines repertory, materia medica and the patient management system in a single piece of software. Is the first homeopathic software in the world to release the latest Repertorium Universale 5.0 / Complete Repertory 2005, Repertorium Universale 1.0 / Complete Repertory 2001.Features 82 000+ pages of spellchecked, corrected and unified Materia Medicae. Repertory of batch flower remedy by Vladmir Polony,Tinus Smits practical clinical room, etc. HARP is a software package specially developed for homeopathic practices, although it can also be easily used by other professions. The program can be used to carry out the entire administration for your practice – from appointments to case histories, from invoices to your annual balance sheet. Harp also has an extensive range of functions to assist you with the preparation of correspondence. The big advantage of HARP is that you only have to enter details once.
After being entered, customer details can be used in all parts of the program regardless of whether you are using the Diary module, the Finance module, or you are printing a letter or a prescription. HARP also has an extensive search function that allows you to analyse your method of prescribing, to search for poor paying customers, as well as a whole range of other special features. Akiva (CaraAcute) containing an interactive question and answer for each of 64 conditions, Akiva gently guides you to the most indicated remedies. The questions have been carefully prepared to provide a detailed and thorough homeopathic consultation. Akiva also provides color photographs of conditions along with other support information, for example herbs that might help, nutritional supplements you should consider and even suggestions from folklore! All recommendations given are for ‘single-remedies’ – which is the ideal form of homeopathic practice.
No combination remedies are included – only the pure, single-substance remedies that give best results when indicated. Akiva contains information for over 100 remedies. The Herbal Remedy Finder and Homeopathic Remedy Finder software programs are filled with information that provides a quick and easy reference to hundreds of medicinal herbs and homeopathic remedies. The Homeopathic Remedy Finder is a user-friendly program that is wonderfully useful to anyone new to homeopathy. It makes it much easier and quicker to find the correct remedy for 26 different ailments. This programme is based on the standard 30 remedy collection most commonly available in individual bottles or in a standard homeopathic home remedy kit.
The questionnaire mode has the ability to collect and provide the most amount of information and thereby provide the most accurate result. The Homeopathic Remedy Finder is a user-friendly program that is wonderfully useful to anyone new to homeopathy. It makes it much easier and quicker to find the correct remedy for 26 different ailments. The Remedy Finder will guide you through every phase of homeopathy. How to take remedies. Remedy selection.
How to know if the remedy is working. Explains potency and dosage. References over 70 of the most popular remedies.
Contains first aid, therapeutic index and glossary. Boenninghausen’s repertory now in Version 6.30. Free Download Aimsun Scripting Manual Programs And Features. It works with the method of C.v.Boenninghausen (Therapeutic Pocketbook). Homeopathic Remedy Browser contains information on 550 homeopathic remedies.Homeopathic tool with Kent’s Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (abbr: 10,000+ rubrics in 36 chapters), Boericke’s Materia Medica (abbr: 100 remedies with cross-references), Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine (complete 6th edition).The Homeopathy software data-bank lists homeopathic products (Materia Medica) by symptoms and by affliction.
Cell Salts, Eye Reference Chart and Tongue Diagnostic are added for registered owners. The Homeopathy software program is an educational tool.
Mac repertory is the Repertorisation program. Beautifully crafted and easy to use. You’ll love it. At first it’s deceptively simple but soon you’ll discovery just how powerful it can be.
MacRepertory combines a solid, traditional approach to repertorising with dozens of inspirational features. Our team has worked incredibly hard for twenty years, to bring you homeopathic software, which carries the hopes and inspiration of many contributors.
Find the simillimum easier, faster and more accurately than ever before with this wonderful homeopathic repertory software. Reference works is a wonderfully rich analysis system based on a huge library of 815 Volumes.
(Library G2) Two hundred years of published homeopathic wisdom, plus the wisdom of the current masters and so much more. Search for a word, a phrase, an idea, or a theme. Create complex searches and export them to MacRepertory. Rubrics are automatically generated and graphs may be created from them.
Filter you rubrics through beautiful family graphs. Find a patient’s symptoms anywhere they may be hidden in any or all of the materia medica and repertories. The British Homeopathic Library is a library and information service dedicated to the research and practice of homeopathy. A database of over 25,000 article and book references on homeopathy, free to search from this website.
Hom-Inform, an individualised search and query service to anyone and a document supply service available to members only. Borrowing access to our substantial collection of books and audio tapes,to Members and Associates of the Faculty of Homeopathy and to Affiliate Members of the library. Homeopathic Remedy Finder Makes the task of selecting remedies easier and faster, especially for those new to homeopathy. Repertorium Homeopathicum digital II An intuitive system and simple to handle, available in trilingual version – English / Spanish / Portuguese.
MIND TECHNOLOGIES is dedicated to development of software’s especially for the Medical fraternity operating from its main development center in Mumbai. Complete online clinic management, Alerts, e-mail service, which saves up to 85% of your time and energy. The patient does not feel that he / she has migrated to any service provider’s website. We assure you 100% confidentiality. Register free for 30 days. Boennrep – Boenninghausen shareware Repertory and office management Shareware – It works with the method of Carl von Boenninghausen.
(English/German) Similimum Veralg Homeopathy Pro The software offering is a universal information center for a classical homeopath, homeopathic student or even a layman who helps his friends and family to overcome acute conditions. The key thing about Homeopathy Pro is its focus on the patient and symptoms of the case, the totality that leads you to successful prescription.Provide you with a professional, inhouse, all-in-one solution. Homeopathy Pro can boast of unique case management system, classical symptom-rubric arrangement, innovative appearance of repertorization table and infinite tweaking abilities.
Feeling unsure about your current case? Just take it with the help of Homeopathy Pro and see whether you end up with something astonishingly correct.
You can instantly change the number of rubrics included into repertorization, play with the weight of small remedies, perform sophisticated repertory search and find the necessary Materia Medica article in a mouse click. Sesam Versatile Medical Softwares Want to know more about HOMEOPATHIC softwares??