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Can one teacher actually make a difference? Principal Jeff Wiles talks about Don Gilpin: He has truly made the program a 'big deal' within our school.
Over the course of the past three years Mr. Gilpin has been able to get our student body and community excited about an academic program like never before. Good Traffic Freeware For Fs2004 Freeware. Gilpin has used an approach that makes both the students and community feel great about what they are doing. Gilpin is not afraid to take positive risks with the students and in turn they respond with optimism and success. Gilpin is truly a champion for Plattsmouth High School and the High School of Business program.
Over the past three years, Don has led the implementation of his Plattsmouth’s MBA High School of Business™ program. His hard work and positive attitude in making the most of the program for his students has been recognized by his High School of Business™ peers as well as the staff here at MBA Research. Don’s exemplary teaching and leadership was echoed by Bonnie Sibert of the Nebraska Department of Education, who nominated him to be recognized on our website. Most importantly, Don’s students are finding successes in their school, CTSO, and community; we’re betting on more successes when college roles around. Thank you, Don, on behalf of our staff, your peers in the MBA High School of Business™ program, and, most importantly, the students in whose lives you’ve made a difference. MBA Research is pleased to recognize Heather Cracraft, Executive Director, Superior, Colorado Chamber of Commerce, for her support of local and national business and marketing programs.

Locally, Heather works with students in Monarch High School’s High School of Business program, FBLA, and DECA chapters. Says Monarch teacher Dana Anderson: “Heather has been an exceptional supporter of Monarch Business and Marketing programs. She has worked very diligently as a judge and mentor for our competitive events. She is a terrific active member of our advisory board.
She has also been instrumental in involving our students with community events and allowing our students to be involved with chamber activities at a high level. Lastly she continues to support the scholarship program offered through the Chamber for many years.” On a national level, High School of Business Program Director Lisa Berkey says “Heather is an active member of the High School of Business National Advisory Council. We rely on her business expertise to advise us on making mutually beneficial connections with the business community. She also played a key role in our national teacher training last summer.
” Thanks, Heather, for championing business and marketing education! Good things always start with someone special. Brandon Pelissero (Atlanta, GA) has been instrumental in the development of a brand new business initiative to support business and marketing education across the nation.
Honored by ACTE during the Visions 2012 conference, his local AMA Chapter is a founding member of the. Along with other professional associations and business-based service organizations throughout the nation, the Coalition will become the official industry sponsor of the national Business Administration standards and various certifications that support them. Brandon’s leadership has helped establish for the first time a truly substantive business recognition of business and marketing programs. Brandon Pelissero is one of those rare individuals who truly delivers on the promise.

His incredible list of contributions to CTE began at his own initiative. Responding to a general call for volunteers by the Atlanta Chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA), he volunteered to serve on a review panel for a local school’s Industry Certification. In his words, he “loved the experience!” Most significantly, Brandon immediately recognized the potential for marrying the work of local CTE programs with the interests of professional associations such as the AMA.
His extensive contributions throughout Georgia are now expanding exponentially as Brandon, while maintaining his support at the state level, has been quick to volunteer his time and expertise at the national level. Brandon Pelissero’s volunteer efforts on behalf of Career and Technical Education are affecting the CTE experiences, and hence the lives, of thousands of students. His efforts at the national level will expand his impact to reach tens of thousands of students enrolled in a wide variety of Business Administration programs in entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality/tourism, management/administration, and marketing. Brandon Pelissero is a special person, a giving person, who is clearly deserving of recognition as ACTE’s Business Leader of the Year, recognition he received on Wednesday, November 28, in Atlanta.
Selors understand the academic rigor and relevance of FBLA; show them the FBLA competitive events program so they can see how. Hold chapter meeting. • Sponsor second semester recruitment drive. • Participate in district/regional competition. • Membership deadline: March 1. • Hold chapter meeting.
Delores has been appointed by the current Board to fill the term vacated by Bonnie Sibert's retirement. Delores assumed the office on June 16. Delores has been a growing presence in CTE for a number of years, including leadership roles with NASBE and the Entre Ed Consortium. She brings 27 years of education experience, including roles at middle school, secondary, and community college levels in North Carolina. She's taught Business, Finance, Information Technology, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship Education. Her resume includes work as a Career Development Coordinator, Special Populations Coordinator, Instructional Management Coordinator, and Department Chair -- all in the area of Career and Technical Education. Delores currently serves as Section Chief, supervising Business, Finance, and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Marketing and Entrepreneurship Education in the NC DOE.
More important than all of that is her role of Aunt Dee Dee and spending time with family in New Jersey and North Carolina. Welcome Delores! About our Trustees.