Interbase Xe3 Server Serial 3,6/5 6420votes
Contents • • • • • • • Important Information When you register you receive an email with your personal serial numbers and web registration code that you need to activate your individual test deployment product licenses for your company use. • Product: This includes the type and number of users. For example InterBase XE3 Desktop - 1 User (SDK) • Serial Number: xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx • Registration Code: xxxx • Expiration Date: Important: After reviewing this information, choose to either download your activation file or email the contents and activation file to your email.
Once you have made this selection, click Register. Important: Please keep your serial numbers safe! These keys are specifically linked to your account to aid your testing. Each activation creates test license files that are valid for 60 days. After 60 days, please revisit the registration page to renew your test license.
The activation process provides you with a registration license file that you must save and deploy with your application to achieve a silent installation of InterBase. Note: InterBase XE3 SDK Pack serial numbers are issued for administration purpose only and do not activate individual manually-installed products. In order to activate your Test Deployment licenses please go to: and enter the serial number you received in the email and the Registration Code: 737479. If you are not using an Embarcadero IDE, you may need to download the InterBase install files. You can always download these install files from Embarcadero Product Downloads: •, or from your Embarcadero Developer Network via the registered user downloads page: • account. Programmer / DBA / Data Controller links If you have questions about installing or registering your product, please contact Embarcadero Support.
However you may want to explore the links below first. To find the right support contact for your region, please go to: • To assist you as you code, there are a number of resources available, including our InterBase VAR end-user web portal. Please contact your sales rep for specific details on accessing the online interface for viewing install data. If you are building Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) apps specifically, it is recommended that you spend some time learning how to easily protect the following: • database, • at-rest customer data with 256-bit AES strength on-disk-encryption with InterBase, • SSL for data in transit (Client/Server over TCP/IP). IBLite • If you are a RAD Studio/Delphi XE5 user and want to include the IBLite license, download and save the license file into the%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 folder.
Download InterBase XE3 Server Serial Number - Highly scalable, powerful embedded database. InterBase XE3 Server is a lightweight database server that provides possibilities for multiple connections to a single database. InterBase XE3 Server supports remote connections and features AES encryption.
• Then follow the steps in the RAD Studio Deployment Wizard. Be sure the file is bundled with your application for the target platform and delivered to the InterBase/license folder path of the target platfom. Important: When you click Register you accept the Supplemental License Terms for IBLite. ToGo Edition For RAD Studio XE5 users: Save the license activation file as reg_ibtogo.txt in the%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 folder. It applies to Android, iOS, Windows, and MacOSX deployments.
For RAD Studio XE4 users: Save the license activation file as reg_ibtogo.txt in the%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 folder. It applies to Windows, MacOSX, and iOS deployments. For RAD Studio XE3 users: Save the license activation file to the platform-specific subfolder of%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 folder. It applies to Windows and MacOSX deployments. • First, open a cmd.exe window and “cd” to the directory where you downloaded the activation file.
• Then execute the following commands: copy reg*.txt%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 osx32_togo InterBase license reg_ibtogo.txt copy reg*.txt%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 win32_togo InterBase license reg_ibtogo.txt copy reg*.txt%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 win64_togo InterBase license reg_ibtogo.txt NOTE: You may need to replace the reg*.txt with your specific filename in case the copy does not work. For example, on Windows 7,%PUBLIC% Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3 is found at C: Users Public Documents InterBase redist InterBaseXE3. • Now you are ready to use the deployment wizard in RAD Studio to select this license file to be bundled with InterBase ToGo applications for deployment. For Customer Support, visit. ToGo Mobile Edition Server/Desktop For Server, Desktop, and ToGo Editions, the VAR can save the license file anywhere (for example, My Documents); however, only one set of licenses need to be included in the packaging of their application under /license folder. For Desktop and Server-based embedding, the license file needs to be included as per instructions at for a silent embedded install.
Once you have received an email with your serial number and registration code, please take time to review it. • Product: This includes the type and number of users. For example InterBase XE3 Desktop - 1 User (SDK) • Serial Number: xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx • Registration Code: xxxx • Expiration Date: (The expiration date is set 90 days from when you completed the registration process.) Important: After reviewing this information, choose to either download your activation file or email the contents and activation file to your email. Once you have made this selection, click Register.

• When prompted, save the file as regxxx_timestamp.txt into any folder. • If you are in the process of installing the product, and are presented with the Registration dialog, select the 'I have received an activation file (*.slip or reg*.txt)' option, click Browse and navigate to the activation file. -OR- • If you have already installed the product, go to the bin directory and run LicenseManager.exe, select License Import and navigate to the activation file. • Click Import to complete the Embarcadero product registration. NOTE: For Customer Support, visit.
Embarcadero(R) InterBase(R) XE Installation, Registration, and Licensing Installation, Registration, and Licensing Information for Embarcadero® InterBase® XE3 Published August, 2012 Contents Before Installation. Installation Process. Registration Process.
Post Install. Platform Specifics. All platforms General Information For a list of recent bug fixes and updated contact information, please refer to the Readme.html.
For a list of add-ons and licenses you can obtain for InterBase products, see Chapter 2, Licensing, in the InterBase Operations Guide. Download Lagu Blink About You Versi Remix. You receive all six InterBase user guides in PDF format at the time of purchase. Check for a variety of information and resources of interest to those who develop and maintain InterBase databases and applications. Embarcadero maintains several active newsgroups for InterBase users. To access them, go to.
System Requirements/Prerequisites The following table lists the system requirements for installing and running InterBase XE3.